Revision history for Memcached-RateLimit

0.09      2023-06-14 17:18:02 -0600
  - Use `*std::os::raw::c_char` instead of `*i8` for C strings.
    This fixes the build on Linux Arm64, and possibly other
    platforms (gh#18)

0.08      2023-04-11 12:15:27 -0600
  - Remove ffi/Cargo.lock from git and not distribute, which
    is recommended for rust crate libraries (gh#15, gh#17, Dylan++)

0.07      2022-11-03 06:20:11 -0600
  - Fixed probably a bug on 32 bit CPUs (gh#14)
  - Added checking for NULL string pointers for improved
    safety (gh#14)

0.06      2022-10-31 12:26:26 -0600
  - connect_timeout and fractional timeouts are no longer
    experimental (gh#2, gh#13)

0.05      2022-10-30 06:26:50 -0600
  - Fixed bug where sum could be miscalculated over the
    rate_seconds period (gh#12)
  - Breaking change: the keys used internally have altered
    slightly to make it easier to debug

0.04      2022-10-25 19:40:17 -0600
  - Optional retries added (gh#11)

0.03      2022-10-25 13:06:39 -0600
  - Constructor can now take a config hash reference
    instead of a URL (gh#10)

0.02      2022-10-25 09:05:27 -0600
  - Experimental support for connection timeout,
    and fractional timeouts (gh#1, gh#9)

0.01      2022-10-25 07:32:27 -0600
  - initial version