Revision history for Metrics-Any-Adapter-Prometheus
0.06 2022-11-28
* Implement batch-mode API of Metrics::Any v0.09
0.05 2020-05-13
* Updated for Metrics::Any 0.05
* No need to reïmplement flexible Histogram bucket generation now
it's in Net::Prometheus 0.10
* Don't append units to metric name if it is an empty string
0.04 2020-05-04
* Provide more flexible ways for users to create Histogram buckets in
repeating decades
0.03 2020-04-29
* Join multipart metric names on underscores
* Only append "_total" to names of Counter metrics that lack other
0.02 2020-04-28
* Implement the new distribution, gauge and timer metric types
* Append "_total" to counter metric names as suggested by Prometheus
0.01 2020-04-27
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.