Revision history for Perl extension Module::Functions

2.1.3 2013-05-19T23:18:20Z

    - Depended on Sub::Identify 0.04

2.1.2 2013-04-14T02:38:16Z

    - fixed to "Use of each() on hash after insertion without resetting hash iterator results in undefined behavior" on 5.17.10

2.1.1 2013-02-18T11:34:47

    - fixed test protability

2.1.0 2013-02-16T11:37:28

    - Added get_full_functions()

2.0.0 2013-02-09T12:54:37

    - better docs
    - hide INIT,UNITCHECK,import from public methods.

1.0.0 2013-02-07T13:42:10
    - original version