Revision history for Module-Generate
0.01 Date/time
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
0.02 2020-04-15
- Move documentation to a .pod file.
0.04 2020-04-16
- Persistant order for subroutine definitions
0.05 2020-04-18
- resolve: Can't locate in @INC
0.06 2020-04-25
- set our $VERSION on generate
0.07 2020-04-27
- adds a 'new' method
0.09 2020-05-01
- Allow for sub routine code and phases to be passed as strings or coderefs
0.13 2020-06-25
- Improve test coverage
0.17 2020-08-05
- Add missing pod sections
0.18 2020-08-16
- Generate test files
0.20 2020-08-21
- Implement a keyword that can be used accross classes.
0.24 2020-08-28
- If synopsis is set display only that in the SYNOPSIS pod section.
- add class_tests to define additional subtests for a class
0.25 2020-08-29
- Order tests by sub index
0.26 2020-09-01
- Fix parsing of compile phase blocks
0.27 2020-09-01
- Improve test coverage to 94.8%