Revision history for Mojo-Server-Threaded
0.18 2020-05-18
- skipping hot deploy tests for user installs
0.17 2020-04-27
- fixed issue in Elzar, where failed hot deploys were detected too late
0.16 2018-11-27
- fixed logging in tests
- align with Mojolicious 8.07
0.15 2018-07-03
- remove "use YAML::Any"
0.14 2018-07-02
- add option for running Elzar as Windows service
- only allow foreground operation
0.13 2018-02-05
- Fix missing threaded command
- align upgrade timeout in Mojo::Server::Elzar with
Mojo::Server::Hypnotoad version 7.62
0.12 2017-12-08
- Fix fallback to hypnotoad config
0.11 2017-08-17
- Try to fix tests on cygwin
- fix docs and dependencies in Makefile.PL
0.10 2017-08-02
First version.