Changelog for Mojolicious-Plugin-Mongodbv2
1.01 2021-08-04T20:53:18
- Now test works
- Return of version number in module
- [Minor] Readme update
1.00 2021-07-13T15:37:25
- Switch to major release
0.07 2021-07-13T15:34:30
- Update documentation
0.06 2021-07-12T10:48:57
- [Minor] Added prereqs
- Try badge on one line
0.05 2021-07-10T11:12:04
- [Minor] Rollback to manual badges
- [Minor] Add plugin for travis badge
0.04 2021-07-10T10:40:03
- Add tests for alternative helper name
- [Minor] Use Starter::Git in dist.ini
- [Minor] Badge on same paragraph in documentation
- Add badges
- Add weaver.ini to put travis badge in correct place in documentation
0.03 2021-07-09T16:43:06
- v0.03
- [Minor]: Removed author e license in documentation
- [Minor]: Changes in documentation for travis badge
0.02 2021-07-09T16:13:35
- v0.02
- Add documentation
- [Minor] Changes must not be added to git
- Add Changes & README. Changed travis support
0.01 2021-07-09T14:51:13
- Removed 00.load.t that is automatically added by Dist::Zilla.
- Add modules, tests and others
- Initial commit