Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

use strict;
## This test ensures that sub DEMOLISHALL fires even if there is no sub DEMOLISH
## Currently fails because of a bad optimization in DESTROY
## Feb 12, 2009 -- Evan Carroll me@evancarroll.com
our $ok = 0;
sub BUILD { $ok = 0 };
after 'DEMOLISHALL' => sub { $Role::DemolishAll::ok++ };
use Moose;
use Moose;
sub DEMOLISH {};
package main;
my $m = DemolishAll::WithDemolish->new;
undef $m;
is ( $Role::DemolishAll::ok, 1, 'DemolishAll w/ explicit DEMOLISH sub' );
$m = DemolishAll::WithoutDemolish->new;
undef $m;
is ( $Role::DemolishAll::ok, 1, 'DemolishAll wo/ explicit DEMOLISH sub' );