use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; =pod This tests that Class::MOP works correctly with Class::C3 and its somewhat insane approach to method resolution. =cut use Class::MOP; { package Diamond_A; use mro 'c3'; use metaclass; # everyone will just inherit this now :) sub hello { 'Diamond_A::hello' } } { package Diamond_B; use mro 'c3'; use parent -norequire => 'Diamond_A'; } { package Diamond_C; use mro 'c3'; use parent -norequire => 'Diamond_A'; sub hello { 'Diamond_C::hello' } } { package Diamond_D; use mro 'c3'; use parent -norequire => 'Diamond_B', 'Diamond_C'; } # we have to manually initialize # Class::C3 since we potentially # skip this test if it is not present Class::C3::initialize(); is_deeply( # [ Class::C3::calculateMRO('Diamond_D') ], [ Diamond_D->meta->class_precedence_list ], [ qw(Diamond_D Diamond_B Diamond_C Diamond_A) ], '... got the right MRO for Diamond_D'); ok(Diamond_A->meta->has_method('hello'), '... A has a method hello'); ok(!Diamond_B->meta->has_method('hello'), '... B does not have a method hello'); ok(Diamond_C->meta->has_method('hello'), '... C has a method hello'); ok(!Diamond_D->meta->has_method('hello'), '... D does not have a method hello'); SKIP: { skip "C3 does not make aliases on 5.9.5+", 2 if "$]" > 5.009_004; ok(defined &Diamond_B::hello, '... B does have an alias to the method hello'); ok(defined &Diamond_D::hello, '... D does have an alias to the method hello'); } done_testing;