Revision history for Perl extension MooseX-BuildArgs.
0.08 2019-02-20T22:51:06Z
- Fix a test that wasn't migrated to Test2::V0.
- Require perl 5.8.1.
- Simplify VERSION declarations.
0.07 2019-02-18T06:11:05Z
- Migrate build tooling from Dist::Zilla to Minilla.
0.06 2018-06-05
- Fix a test using package block syntax which was upping our required
Perl version.
0.05 2018-05-17
- Stop hiding packages from indexing.
0.04 2012-04-16
- Minor doc edits.
- Use Moose's meta traits more effectively so that single args may be
declared in roles.
0.03 2012-03-19
- Rollback Moose prereq version a bit.
- Fix 'use Moose` header.
0.02 2012-03-19
- Switch to using Moose::Exporter.
0.01 2012-03-19
- First release.