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=head1 NAME

Mousse - A Light and Tasty Moose for CPAN Authors


In your C<Makefile.PL>:

    use inc::Module::Install;
    name 'Chocolate';
    use_mousse 'Chocolate::Mousse';

then in C<lib/Chocolate/Jesus.pm>:

    package Chocolate::Jesus;
    use Chocolate::Mousse;

    has 'soul', is => 'ro';


    package Chocolate::Jeebus;
    use Chocolate::Mousse;

    extends 'Chocolate::Jesus';

    has 'whiskers', is => 'rw';


L<Mousse> is the easiest way to get L<Moose> support for your OO CPAN module.

L<Mousse> adds B<NO> prerequisite dependencies to your CPAN module.

L<Mousse> has the same performance qualities as the zippy L<Mouse::Tiny>.

L<Mousse> is enabled by adding one line to your Makefile.PL.


If you are a CPAN module author, you need to weigh the benefit of using
L<Moose> against the startup performance hit and sizable module
prerequisite dependency. Should your simple module even use OO? Should
you force a Moose dependency on every other module or project that uses
your module? Should roll your own OO code and pass up the robustness of
Moose? These questions grate on the concious of many CPAN authors.

No longer!

You've probably heard of L<Mouse>. Mouse is a way to do all the core
Moose functionality but without the performance costs. L<Mouse::Tiny>
puts all the Mouse modules into one module, but you still have a
dependency on Mouse::Tiny. One solution is to copy Mouse::Tiny as your
own module's OO base. But then you have to repeat that every time a new
Mouse version is released.

Another solution is to use B<Mousse>! Mousse will remake your OO base
module from the current version of Mousse have installed, every time you
run C<perl Makefile.PL>.


=head2 Mousse IS Mouse

To learn about the features of Mousse (i.e. your generated Mousse-based
OO module), simply read L<Mouse>.

Mousse is an exact copy of Mouse::*. It uses the same build process as
Mouse::Tiny does, except that it names the resulting module whatever you
want to call it. For example, if you use this line in your Makefile.PL:

    use_mousse 'Foo::Widget::OO';

then L<Mousse::Maker> will I<whip up> a C<lib/Foo/Widget/OO.pm> file for
you from the Mousse.pm installed on your system.

Alternatively, if you use I<this> line in your Makefile.PL:

    use_mousse_dev 'Foo::Widget::OO';

then L<Mousse::Maker> will create a C<lib/Foo/Widget/OO.pm> file for
you from the I<Mouse> parts installed on your system.

=head2 No Dependency Hell Issues

When you distribute a module that uses Mousse for OO, you can be assured
that you have coded and tested against the exact copy of Mousse that
your users will be running with. When a Mousse related bug is found, you
can simply ship a new copy of your code (with the repaired copy of
Mousse) and be certain that nobody will be trampled by a wild Moose.

=head2 Using Mousse without Module::Install

If you don't use Module::Install for your Makefile.PL, or if you want to
only update Mousse by hand, you can use this simple command:

    perl -MMousse::Maker -e make_mousse 'Chocolate::Mousse' > lib/Chocolate/Mousse.pm

=head2 You Can Use Mousse as a Prerequisite

If you don't care about adding a dependency and you don't want to ship
your own copy of Mousse, you can use it just like Mouse::Tiny.


L<Scalar::Random::PP> is an example of a CPAN module that uses Mousse.

If you have a module to add here, let me know.


CPAN: L<http://search.cpan.org/dist/Mousse/>

GitHub: L<http://github.com/ingydotnet/mousse-pm>

IRC: irc.perl.org#moose-dev

=head1 CREDIT

Thanks to Stevan Little for the movement that is L<Moose>.

The guts of this module is pure, un(well slightly)adulterated L<Mouse>. 藤吾郎++

Also, many thanks to Luke Closs' cat, Jeebus!

=head1 AUTHOR

Ingy döt Net <ingy@cpan.org>


Copyright (c) 2010, 2011. Ingy döt Net.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

See http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html
