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# $Id: 60leaks.t,v 1999/07/13 08:14:45 joe Exp $
# This is a skeleton test. For writing new tests, take this file
# and modify/extend it.
my $COUNT_CONNECT = 4000; # Number of connect/disconnect iterations
my $COUNT_PREPARE = 10000; # Number of prepare/execute/finish iterations
my $haveStorable;
eval { require Proc::ProcessTable; };
if ($@ || !$ENV{SLOW_TESTS}) {
print "1..0\n";
exit 0;
eval { require Storable };
$haveStorable = $@ ? 0 : 1;
sub size {
my($p, $pt);
$pt = Proc::ProcessTable->new('cache_ttys' => $haveStorable);
foreach $p (@{$pt->table()}) {
if ($p->pid() == $$) {
return $p->size();
die "Cannot find my own process?!?\n";
exit 0;
# Make -w happy
$test_dsn = $test_user = $test_password = '';
# Include lib.pl
require DBI;
$mdriver = "";
foreach $file ("lib.pl", "t/lib.pl") {
do $file; if ($@) { print STDERR "Error while executing lib.pl: $@\n";
exit 10;
if ($mdriver ne '') {
if ($mdriver eq 'whatever') {
print "1..0\n";
exit 0;
# Main loop; leave this untouched, put tests after creating
# the new table.
while (Testing()) {
# Connect to the database
Test($state or ($dbh = DBI->connect($test_dsn, $test_user,
"Attempting to connect.\n")
or ErrMsgF("Cannot connect: Error %s.\n\n"
. "Make sure, your database server is up and running.\n"
. "Check that '$test_dsn' references a valid database"
. " name.\nDBI error message: $DBI::errstr");
# Find a possible new table name
Test($state or $table = FindNewTable($dbh))
or ErrMsgF("Cannot determine a legal table name: Error %s.\n",
# Create a new table; EDIT THIS!
Test($state or ($def = TableDefinition($table,
["id", "INTEGER", 4, 0],
["name", "CHAR", 64, 0]),
or ErrMsgF("Cannot create table: Error %s.\n",
my($size, $prevSize, $ok, $notOk, $dbh2, $msg);
if (!$state) {
print "Testing memory leaks in connect/disconnect\n";
$msg = "Possible memory leak in connect/disconnect detected";
$ok = 0;
$notOk = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $COUNT_CONNECT; $i++) {
if (!($dbh2 = DBI->connect($test_dsn, $test_user,
$test_password))) {
$ok = 0;
$msg = "Cannot connect: $DBI::errstr\n";
undef $dbh2;
if ($i % 100 == 99) {
$size = size();
if (defined($prevSize) && $size == $prevSize) {
} else {
$prevSize = $size;
Test($state or ($ok > $notOk))
or print "$msg\n";
if (!$state) {
print "Testing memory leaks in prepare/execute/finish\n";
$msg = "Possible memory leak in prepare/execute/finish detected";
$ok = 0;
$notOk = 0;
undef $prevSize;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $COUNT_PREPARE; $i++) {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table");
undef $sth;
if ($i % 100 == 99) {
$size = size();
if (defined($prevSize) && $size == $prevSize) {
} else {
$prevSize = $size;
Test($state or ($ok > $notOk))
or print "$msg\n";
if (!$state) {
print "Testing memory leaks in fetchrow_arrayref\n";
$msg = "Possible memory leak in fetchrow_arrayref detected";
# Insert some records into the test table
my $row;
foreach $row ([1, 'Jochen Wiedmann'],
[2, 'Andreas König'],
[3, 'Tim Bunce'],
[4, 'Alligator Descartes'],
[5, 'Jonathan Leffler']) {
$dbh->do(sprintf("INSERT INTO $table VALUES (%d, %s)",
$row->[0], $dbh->quote($row->[1])));
$ok = 0;
$notOk = 0;
undef $prevSize;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $COUNT_PREPARE; $i++) {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table");
my $row;
while ($row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref()) {
if ($i % 100 == 99) {
$size = size();
if (defined($prevSize) && $size == $prevSize) {
} else {
$prevSize = $size;
Test($state or ($ok > $notOk))
or print "$msg\n";
if (!$state) {
print "Testing memory leaks in fetchrow_hashref\n";
$msg = "Possible memory leak in fetchrow_hashref detected";
$ok = 0;
$notOk = 0;
undef $prevSize;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $COUNT_PREPARE; $i++) {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table");
my $row;
while ($row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
if ($i % 100 == 99) {
$size = size();
if (defined($prevSize) && $size == $prevSize) {
} else {
$prevSize = $size;
Test($state or ($ok > $notOk))
or print "$msg\n";
# Finally drop the test table.
Test($state or $dbh->do("DROP TABLE $table"))
or ErrMsgF("Cannot DROP test table $table: %s.\n",
Test($state or $dbh->disconnect);