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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use vars qw($mdriver);
foreach $file ("", "t/", "~~nodbd_driver~~/t/") {
if (-f $file) {
do $file;
if (!$mdriver || ($mdriver ne "mSQL" && $mdriver ne "mSQL1")) {
print "1..0\n"; exit 0;
$| = 1;
eval "use ~~nodbd_driver~~";
my $db = ~~nodbd_driver~~->connect("~~test_host~~", "~~test_db~~");
if ($db->getserverinfo lt 2) {
print "1..0\n";
print "1..37\n";
print "ok 1\n";
my $db = ~~nodbd_driver~~->connect("~~test_host~~","~~test_db~~");
$t[0] = create(
"( id char(4) not null, longish text(30) )");
$t[1] = create(
"( id char(4) not null, longish text(600) )");
if (grep /^$t[0]$/, $db->listtables) {
print "ok 2\n";
} else {
print "not ok 2\n";
for $i (0..14) {
for $j (0,1) {
$q = qq{insert into $t[$j] values \('00$i',\'}.bytometer(2**$i).qq{\'\)};
my $ok = 3 + $i*2 + $j;
my $ret = $db->query($q);
if ($ret) {
print "ok $ok\n";
} else {
print "not ok $ok: 'insert' returned [$ret], expected 1\n";
$q = qq{select * from $t[0] where id < '006' and id > '002' order by id};
if (($what = $db->query($q)->numrows) == 3) {
print "ok 33\n";
} else {
print "not ok 33: $what\n";
$q = qq{select $t[0].id from $t[0] where id < '006' and id > '002' order by id desc};
if (($what = $db->query($q)->numrows) == 3) {
print "ok 34\n";
} else {
print "not ok 34: $what\n";
$q = qq{select * from $t[0] where id like '[_]' order by id};
if (($what = $db->query($q)->numrows) == 0) {
print "ok 35\n";
} else {
print "not ok 35: $what\n";
my $index = cre_index($db,'INDEX00',"on $t[1] (id)","unique");
print $index ? "" : "not ", "ok 36\n";
$q = qq{select $t[0].id, $t[1].id from $t[0], $t[1] where $t[0].id=$t[1].id};
if ($db->query($q)->numrows==15) {
print "ok 37\n";
} else {
print "not ok 37: $what\n";
$q = qq{drop table $t[0]};
$q = qq{drop table $t[1]};
sub create {
my($db,$tablename,$createexpression) = @_;
my($query) = "create table $tablename $createexpression";
local($~~nodbd_driver~~::QUIET) = 1;
my $limit = 0;
while (! $db->query($query)){
die "Cannot create table: query [$query] message ["
. $db->errmsg() . "]\n" if $limit++ > 1000;
$query = "create table $tablename $createexpression";
sub cre_index {
my($db,$indexname,$createexpression,$uniq) = @_;
my($query) = "create $uniq index $indexname $createexpression";
local($~~nodbd_driver~~::QUIET) = 1;
my $limit = 0;
while (! $db->query($query)){
die "Cannot create index: query [$query] message ["
. ~~nodbd_driver~~->errmsg() . "]\n" if $limit++ > 1000;
$query = "create $uniq index $indexname $createexpression";
sub bytometer {
my($byte) = @_;
my($result,$i) = "";
for ($i=5;$i<=$byte;$i+=5) {
if ( $i==5 || substr($i,-2) eq "05" && $i<10000 ) {
$result .= join "", "\n", "." x (4-length($i)), $i;
} elsif ( $i<=10000 ) {
$result .= join "", "." x (5-length($i)), $i;
} elsif ( substr($i,-2) eq "10" ) {
$result .= join "", "\n", "." x (9-length($i)), $i;
} elsif ( substr($i,-1) eq "0" ) {
$result .= join "", "." x (10-length($i)), $i;
$result .= "." x ($byte%5);
return $result;