v0.4.1 2017-07-04T19:49:22+0200
* Fix gearman plugin (sni)
* Migrate to Monitoring::Plugin (sni)
v0.4.0 2015-08-02T20:51:35+0200
* Remove Any::Moose in favor of Moo RT#96976
* Remove Test::TempDir in favor of Test::TempDir::Tiny RT#102227
v0.3.6 2014-03-10T22:03:40+0100
* fix key padding (RT #93700)
v0.3.5 2012-12-03T20:46:45+0100
* fix test
v0.3.4 2012-07-17T01:10:54+0200
* gearman payload always starts with 'type=' (sni)
v0.3.3 2012-01-21T22:02:52+0100
* added gearman backend
v0.3.1 2012-01-14T17:20:42+0100
* documentation fixes
v0.3.0 2012-01-13T00:27:11+0100
* add Nagios::Passive::BulkResult
* switch to Any::Moose
v0.2.2 2009-12-10T23:24:32+0100
* better error handling while writing to pipe
* save some CPU cycles
* skip some tests where localtime doesn't behave as expected
v0.2.1 2009-12-06T00:18:55+0100
* provide an add_output method
for this reason the default output of 'no output' has changed
to ''.
v0.2 2009-11-27T12:52:13+0100
* Name Change: Nagios::Spool::Writer -> Nagios::Passive
* 2 Backends available:
* Nagios::Passive::ResultPath
* Nagios::Passive::CommandFile
Typically you just use the factory: Nagios::Passive->create
v0.1.1 2009-11-20T18:21:26+0100
* added a basic test
* fixed documentation
v0.1.0 2009-11-18T22:29:02+0100
* first release