Revision history for Neo4j::Types

2.00  2023-11-21

 - Add ByteArray, DateTime, and Duration types. (GH #15, #17)

 - Define methods and behaviour for the Neo4j 5 element ID. (GH #13)

 - Specify previously undefined behaviour. (GH #1, #11, #14)

 - Expand the implementor guidance for driver authors and separate it
   from the type definitions aimed at users.

 - Separate generic type implementations from the type definitions.

    - Rename the package of the generic spatial point implementation
      to Neo4j::Types::Generic::Point. (GH #16)

    - Caution driver authors against depending upon internal implementation
      details of Neo4j:Types modules. (GH #4)

 - Offer test tools to help driver authors with conforming to these types.

 - Raise minimum required version of Perl to v5.10.1.

1.00  2021-01-18

 - initial release, based on Neo4j::Driver 0.20 and Neo4j::Bolt 0.4200