Revision history for Net-Hacky-Detect-IP
0.024 24/04/2019 08:28
Added in arp -a for both windows and other
0.023 08/05/2017 14:11
A few optimisations for which commands are executed, likely RELEASE
0.022 08/05/2017 12:01
Improved port binding action to use '0' to select the first availible.
0.021 08/05/2017 11:54
Improved IPv4 succesful detection method based on IPv6 method.
Swapped to using IO::Socket::IP over IO::Socket::INET[4|6]
0.020 08/05/2017 05:54
Tweaked IPv6 detection even more, discovered a bug in IO::Socket::INET6
0.019 08/05/2017 00:59
Fixed yet more bugs with IPv6 detection
0.018 08/05/2017 00:46
Improved IPv6 validity detection
0.017 07/05/2017 15:22
Made it possible to search for either v6, v4 or both.
0.016 07/05/2017 14:16
Corrected minor if/if to if/elsif
Corrected minor documentation errors
0.015 07/05/2017 14:10
Correct possiblity for an impossible port to be generated
Added IPv6 detection code
0.014 07/05/2017 12:56
Detection of IPv4 works on windows.
0.013 07/05/2017 12:30
Updated SYNOPSIS to make sense.
0.012 07/05/2017 12:20
Update Makefile.PL so IO::Socket::INET will not fail on older perl versions than 5.24
0.011 07/05/2017 12:10
Correct Documentation a little
Changed versioning system to be more standard.
Correct invokation of 'ip'
0.01 07/05/2017 12:00
First version, ipv4 only and probably only linux and BSD.