use strict;
use overload '""' => \&get_command, fallback => 1;
use Scalar::Util qw( looks_like_number );
my %COMMAND = (
NOOPERATION => 0x00000000,
BR_ENTRY => 0x00000001,
BR_EXIT => 0x00000002,
ANSENTRY => 0x00000003,
BR_ABSENCE => 0x00000004,
BR_ISGETLIST => 0x00000010,
OKGETLIST => 0x00000011,
GETLIST => 0x00000012,
ANSLIST => 0x00000013,
BR_ISGETLIST2 => 0x00000018,
SENDMSG => 0x00000020,
RECVMSG => 0x00000021,
READMSG => 0x00000030,
DELMSG => 0x00000031,
ANSREADMSG => 0x00000032,
GETINFO => 0x00000040,
SENDINFO => 0x00000041,
GETABSENCEINFO => 0x00000050,
SENDABSENCEINFO => 0x00000051,
GETFILEDAT => 0x00000060,
RELEASEFIL => 0x00000061,
GETDIRFILE => 0x00000062,
GETPUBKEY => 0x00000072,
ANSPUBKEY => 0x00000073,
my $MODE = 0x000000ff;
my %SEND_OPT = (
ABSENCE => 0x00000100,
SERVER => 0x00000200,
DIALUP => 0x00010000,
SENDCHECK => 0x00000100,
SECRET => 0x00000200,
BROADCAST => 0x00000400,
MULTICAST => 0x00000800,
NOPOPUP => 0x00001000,
AUTORET => 0x00002000,
RETRY => 0x00004000,
PASSWORD => 0x00008000,
NOLOG => 0x00020000,
NEWMUTI => 0x00040000,
NOADDLIST => 0x00080000,
READCHECK => 0x00100000,
FILEATTACH => 0x00200000,
ENCRYPT => 0x00400000,
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $name = shift;
return unless defined $name;
my $command;
if ( looks_like_number($name) ) {
$command = $name;
elsif ( exists $COMMAND{$name} ) {
$command = $COMMAND{$name};
else {
my $self = { _command => $command };
bless $self, $class;
my $self = shift;
return unless ref $self;
my $command = $self->{_command};
my $name = $AUTOLOAD;
$name =~ s/.*://;
if ( $name =~ /^get_(.+)/ ) {
my $opt = uc $1;
if ( exists $SEND_OPT{$opt} ) {
return ( $command & $SEND_OPT{$opt} ? 1 : 0 );
else {
elsif ( $name =~ /^set_(.+)/ ) {
my $opt = uc $1;
if ( exists $SEND_OPT{$opt} ) {
$self->{_command} = $command | $SEND_OPT{$opt};
return $self;
else {
else {
sub mode {
my $self = shift;
my $command = $self->{_command};
return (0) unless defined $command;
return ( $command & $MODE );
sub modename {
my $self = shift;
my $mode = $self->mode;
for my $key ( keys %COMMAND ) {
if ( $mode eq $COMMAND{$key} ) {
return $key;
return $mode;
sub get_command {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{_command};
=head1 NAME
Net::IPMessenger::MessageCommand - message command definition and accessor class
use Net::IPMessenger::MessageCommand;
my $command = Net::IPMessenger::MessageCommand->new('SENDMSG')->set_secret;
This defines IP Messenger command and option flags.
This also gives you accessors of those option flags.
=head1 METHODS
Option flag accessors are provided via AUTOLOAD method.
you can use get_*, set_* to access those option flags.
=head2 new
my $messagecommand = Net::IPMessenger::MessageCommand->new($command);
Creates object and stores command. If command looks like number, just stores it.
Otherwise, tries to convert it by using %COMMAND.
=head2 mode
my $mode = $messagecommand->mode;
Returns command mode part.
=head2 modename
my $modename = $messagecommand->modename;
Returns command modename.
=head2 get_command
my $command = $messagecommand->get_command;
Just returns stored command value.