Revision history for Perl extension Net::SMS::RoutoMessaging

0.09      2013-05-22 Oslo/Norway

    - Added perl 5.8 as prerequisite.

0.08      2013-05-14 Oslo/Norway

    - Changed hostname for TeleSign Mobile messaging system.

0.07      2011-08-15 Oslo/Norway

    - Added LWP::UserAgent in pre-requisites.

0.06      2011-08-12 Oslo/Norway

    - Added long decription on send_sms
    - Added HTTP::Request::Common in pre-requisites.

0.05      2011-08-05 Oslo/Norway

    - Bah, typo

0.04      2011-08-05 Oslo/Norway

    - Added support to return the provider status message from send_sms

0.03      2011-08-04 Oslo/Norway

    - Changed to use NewSMSsend instead of SMSsend, as it should be better and support utf8

0.02      2011-08-03 Oslo/Norway

    - Removed some unnessesary dependencies in dist.ini

0.01      2011-08-01 Oslo/Norway

    - Initial CPAN release. Functional.