0.10.2 2021-01-23
- Fixing repository and issue tracker URLs.
0.10.1 2021-01-22
- Acknowledging conformance to OPTiMaDe specification v1.0.0.
- Adding version numbers to all modules.
- Correcting copyright years.
- Adding homepage and pointers to GitHub.
0.10.0 2020-06-09
- Reducing the number of parentheses in produced SQL statements.
Introducing an option to flatten homogeneous AND/OR subtrees.
0.9.0 2020-05-05
- Introducing interface OPTIMADE::Filter::Modifiable which is used to
detect objects that could be modified using modify().
- Overriding equality operators for OPTIMADE::Filter::Property.
0.8.0 2020-03-25
- Renaming package from OPTiMaDe::Filter to OPTIMADE::Filter.
- Allowing uppercase characters in properties, however, they are
lowercased prior to filter string generation.
0.7.3 2020-03-09
- Implementing the validation of property's syntax.
0.7.2 2020-03-01
- Readding tests.
0.7.1 2020-02-25
- Switching from ExtUtils::MakeMaker to Module::Build-based build
system thus making the build process more portable.
0.7.0 2020-01-12
- Acknowledging conformance to OPTiMaDe specification v1.0.0-rc.1.
- Validating objects prior to generating their representations in
order not to produce erroneous representations.
- Fixing the build system as it did not build the Yapp parser properly.
- Adding repository metadata (thanks Mohammad S Anwar).
0.6.1 2020-01-30
- Fixing the build system to create source-only tarballs, and to
build the parser via 'perl Makefile.PL && make'.
0.6.0 2019-12-12
- Changing the syntax of 'LENGTH' comparison as per
0.5.0 2019-12-09
- Renaming package from OPTiMaDe::FilterParser to OPTiMaDe::Filter.
- Implementing right-hand side properties as per
- Properties of three or more identifiers have no SQL representation.
- Replacing OPTiMaDe::Filter::Comparison::set_operator() with
- Replacing OPTiMaDe::Filter::ListComparison::set_<attribute>() with
- Replacing OPTiMaDe::Filter::Zip::set_<attribute>() with <attribute>().
0.4.1 2019-12-05
- Fixing SQL placeholders for fuzzy search of strings.
0.4.0 2019-12-05
- Adding overloads for OPTiMaDe::FilterParser::Property. Replacing
push_identifier() via direct push to object.
- Adding convenience methods left() and right() for
- Introducing classes OPTiMaDe::FilterParser::Negation,
OPTiMaDe::FilterParser::AndOr and OPTiMaDe::FilterParser::Known.
- Changing the way the delimiter is passed to to_SQL() methods.
- Implementing SQL output with placeholders instead of values.
0.3.0 2019-08-19
- Introducing method modify(), which traverses and modifies the built
filter tree.
- Modifying the constructor for OPTiMaDe::FilterParser::Property.
- Adding 'Changes' (this file) to MANIFEST.
0.2.0 2019-08-12
- Combining 'IS' and 'KNOWN'/'UNKNOWN' lexems together.
- Fixing 'IS KNOWN'/'IS UNKNOWN' translation to SQL.
- Implementing backwards translation to the string representation.
- Unifying layout of parsed lists.
- Adding roundtrip tests.
0.1.0 2019-07-20
- Initial release.