name = OpenGL-Sandbox
abstract = Easy access to a variety of OpenGL prototyping tools
author = Michael Conrad <>
license = Perl_5
copyright_holder = Michael Conrad
repository.type = git
exclude_match = ^t/tmp/[^.]
include_untracked = 0
encoding = bytes
match = ^t/data/
first_version = 0.01
module = OpenGL::Sandbox
stub = OpenGL::Sandbox::Inline
ilsm = Inline::C
package = OpenGL::Sandbox::Inline
trustme = OpenGL::Sandbox => qr/^resources$/;
trustme = OpenGL::Sandbox::ResMan => qr/^load_font/;
trustme = OpenGL::Sandbox::ResMan => qr/^mmap/;
trustme = OpenGL::Sandbox::ResMan => qr/^resource_root_dir/;
skip = OpenGL::Sandbox::Inline
skip = ^SDLx::
skip = ^X11::
skip = ^Inline::
skip = ^OpenGL::Modern
skip = ^OpenGL::GLFW
skip = ^OpenGL::Array
skip = ^OpenGL::Sandbox::V1
[Prereqs / DevelopRequires]
Inline::Module = 0
Inline::C = 0
[Prereqs / ConfigureRequires]
Devel::CheckLib = 1.03
[Prereqs / TestRequires]
Log::Any::Adapter::TAP = 0