0.2.10 2018-12-03
Restore broken CPAN build
0.2.9 2018-12-03
* fix for https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=120849 ( add use lib '.' to Makefile.PL so that can instal under new Perls )
* skip generator/validator step if last check has been failed
* typo fixed detailes -> details
* restore ./inc in Git scm to allow `cpanm` install via git url
0.2.8 2016-12-27
* fixed bug empty message in within expressions
0.2.7 2016-12-25
* a few minor doc changes for occasional bugs appeared right after 0.2.6
0.2.6 2016-12-25
* documentation release ( made a lot of improvements )
* added examples/ directory with explanatory code
* fix for comments in the end of regexps and plain checks
0.2.5 2016-12-24
* fixed issues for multiline expressions in validate parser ( third iteration )
0.2.4 2016-12-24
* fixed issues for multiline expressions in validate parser ( second iteration )
0.2.3 2016-12-23
* fixed issues for multiline expressions in validate parser
0.2.2 2016-12-22
* fix for regexps / plain check with trailing spaces
0.2.1 2016-12-22
* fix for inc/Module/Install.pm missed
0.2.0 2016-12-22
* breaking changes - last line in miltiline back slashed expressions should be '\'
* backported fixes and merged refactored code from Outhentix::DSL
0.1.4 2016-05-05
* asserts - Ruby true|false to Perl 1|0 conversion
* code and generator handlers changed - external runner modified to allow run Ruby stories with/wo bundler
0.1.3 2016-05-01
* require JSON in dependencies
0.1.2 2016-04-29
* minor documentation changes
0.1.1 2016-04-29
* many (hopefully back compatible :) changes concerning integration with Outthentic of version 0.1.*
* adding asserts expressions
* documentation improved, cleared and expanded
0.1.0 2016-04-21
* here documents as alternative for back slash delimiters for multiline strings
* limited support for various languages! Wow!
0.0.12 2016-04-03
Generators, validators, code blocks - print evaled code in human friendly manner for easy troubleshooting
0.0.11 2016-03-25
Outthentic::DSL::Context::Range::update_stream bugfix ( it was hard to find though ;-)
0.0.10 2016-03-18
some debug messages are shown at higher level of debug_mod variable
0.0.9 2016-02-15
Improved documentation again
0.0.8 2016-02-15
Improved documentation
0.0.7 2016-02-15
Added Name Outthentic::DSL section to pod to make pod doc browserable in metacpan
0.0.6 2016-02-15
* ranges expressions !
* huge refactoring - context modificators are moved into dedicated classes
* a big informal introduction started
0.0.5 2016-30-01
* TAP output - removes `\r` symbols from matching lines ( within: mode ) to fix broken TAP on linux environment
0.0.4 2015-11-14
* update context: add some debug messages for debug level >=2
* block_mode bug fix
0.0.3 2015-11-08
* huge release
* new features:
* within
* validator
* api clients
* a lot of refactoring
* a lot of documentation changes
* asserts now are not generated in place but returned by \`result' method
0.0.2 2015-10-29
* documentation created
* various small fixes
0.0.1 2015-10-28
* first cpan release