0.585   2014-01-15
        - fixed use of dist-zilla (don't encode test files)
        - omit failing XML test
0.584   2012-10-09
        - migrated to dist-zilla
        - removed deprecated methods
        - fixed sorting/holdings
0.583   2012-03-10
        - fixed sorting of level 2 fields
        - renamed all_fields to fields in PICA::Record
        - renamed (to|as)_string to string
0.582   2012-02-02
        - fix in winibw2pica
0.581   2012-01-09
        - migrated from XML::Parser to XML::SAX and improved SRU
0.56    2011-11-02
        - fixed some unit tests
0.55    2010-03-23
        - improved methods 'field' (Record) and 'update' (Record and Field)
        - PICA::Record is now subclassable
        - started to add statistic function to PICA::Writer and 'parsepica'
        - fixed unAPI
0.54    2010-02-10
        - added the useful functions pgrep and pmap
        - removed deprecated methods (copy_record, local_records, replace)
        - added parameter 'config' and 'auto' in parsepica
        - added iktLink and ppnLink for PSI sources
        - empty fields are allowed now
        - fixed sorting of fields and subfields
0.53    2009-12-09
        - minor additions to XMLParser and readpicarecord
        - extended winibw2pica to correctly read WinIBW3 "utf8"
        - added PICA::Source->iktQuery for PSI
0.52    2009-10-02
        - PICA::Record fixes and additions (replace, update, read, write, iln)
        - minor updates in picaimport and PICA::Writer
0.511   2009-08-18
        - fixed make (winibw2pica was missing)
        - removed some deprecated methods
0.51    2009-08-17   
        - added winibw2pica
        - filter functions are also allowed in Record->field
        - added some operator overloading and removed deprecated methods
        - minor fixes in PICA::PlainParser
        - fixed UTF-8 when reading via PSI-XML
0.502   2009-08-05
        - minor fixes to reduce the number of failing tests
0.50    2009-07-28
        - rewrote picaimport to replace picawebcat, removed Filemap
        - added getrecord method to parse one single record from file
        - clarified utf8 encoding/decoding and other encodings
        - _ and $ both allowed to query subfields
        - Combined values() and subfields() method in PICA::Record
        - added support of Namespaces in XMLParser
        - added PPN semantic check (only one per record)
0.49    2009-07-17 
        - added SQLiteStore, SOAPServer, SOAPClient and first buggy PICA+Wiki
        - added missing method PICA::Field->occ[urrence]
        - renamed local_records to holdings and copy_records to items
0.48    2009-07-06
        - enhanced pica2html.xsl with syntax highlighting
        - added to_html() (first draft), ppn(), and epn()
        - fixed dependency (Encode 2.33) and several bugs
        - in PICA::Writer renamed reset_handler to output, removed writefield
        - removed PICA::XMLWriter and use XML::Writer to write XML
        - added PSI as PICA::Source
0.47    2009-05-07
        - rewrote PICA::SRUResponseParser and changed PICA::Source
        - cqlQuery and z3950Query of PICA::Source now return a PICA::Parser
0.46    2009-04-16
        - added PICA::Field->purged and PICA::Record->appendif
        - added PICA::Filemap and support of maps in picawebcat
        - normalize whitespace in subfield values
0.45    2009-03-05
        - added and improved error handlers in PICA::PlainParser
        - added support of webcat.conf config file in PICA::Store
        - started to fix XML and Unicode output mess
        - fixed bugs in PICA::Field (to_xml and fields without subfields)
        - improved parsepica and picawebcat scripts (installed as executables)
        - temporarily disabled Limit and Offset parameter
0.43    2009-02-10
        - updated webcat.pl command line client
        - added example pica2bibtex.pl
        - added limit parameter to PICA::Record->field / subfield
        - parsers and PICA::Record->new now support IO::Handle
        - added unAPI support in PICA::Source
0.4     2009-01-28
        - improved support of normalized PICA+ parsing
        - updated PICA::Store
0.3.9   2008-11-25
        - renamed PICA::Webcat to PICA::Store (more generic)
        - renamed PICA::Server to PICA::Source (more generic)
        - In PICA::Store fixed SOAP message and added connection type
        - simplified methods of PICA::Field
        - added 'sf' and 'f' shortcuts
        - added 'Offset' and 'Limit' parameter (PICA::Parser)
        - removed 'Strict' parameter (PICA::Parser)
        - removed special handling of empty records
0.3.8   2008-10-08
        - added PICA::Webcat, removed PICA::Tutorial
        - moved examples to example directory
        - removed PICA::Field->set_tag($tag), now tag($tag)
        - minor changes and bugfixes in the Parser
0.3.6   2008-03-27
        - added Z39.50 support to parsepica.pl
        - fixed Z39.50 client and parser
        - added better holding handling: local_records() and copy_records()
0.3.5   2008-03-17
        - added SRU support to parsepica.pl
        - Added Proceed-mode for parsers
        - exportable functions parsedata() and parsefile()
        - now also reads from zip files and raw dumpfiles
0.3.4   2008-03-06
        - added two more field syntax in PICA::Field
        - added Z39.50 example
0.3.2   2007-12-05
        - avoid memory leak in PICA::Server->getPPN (caused by SRUSearchParser->new)
        - renamed PICA::Record->fields() to PICA::Record->all_fields()
        - renamed PICA::Record->subfields() to PICA::Record->all_subfields()
        - added PICA::Field->copy() for cloning Fields
        - fixed several typos in the documentation
        - added another example with bin/gbvholdings.pl
0.3     2007-07-20
        - first public release
0.2     2007-04-03
        - first internal release