use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use lib 't/inc'; use POE; use POE::Component::IRC::State; use POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::PlugMan; use POE::Component::Server::IRC; use Test::More tests => 14; my $bot1 = POE::Component::IRC::State->spawn( Flood => 1, plugin_debug => 1, ); my $bot2 = POE::Component::IRC::State->spawn( Flood => 1, plugin_debug => 1, ); my $bot3 = POE::Component::IRC::State->spawn( Flood => 1, plugin_debug => 1, ); my $ircd = POE::Component::Server::IRC->spawn( Auth => 0, AntiFlood => 0, ); $bot1->plugin_add(PlugMan => POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::PlugMan->new( auth_sub => sub { return 1 if $_[1] =~ /^TestBot2!\S+@\S+$/; return }, )); POE::Session->create( package_states => [ main => [qw( _start ircd_listener_add ircd_listener_failure _shutdown irc_001 irc_chan_sync irc_public irc_disconnected )], ], ); $poe_kernel->run(); sub _start { my ($kernel) = $_[KERNEL]; $ircd->yield('register', 'all'); $ircd->yield('add_listener'); $kernel->delay(_shutdown => 60, 'Timed out'); } sub ircd_listener_failure { my ($kernel, $op, $reason) = @_[KERNEL, ARG1, ARG3]; $kernel->yield('_shutdown', "$op: $reason"); } sub ircd_listener_add { my ($kernel, $port) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0]; $bot1->yield(register => 'all'); $bot1->yield(connect => { nick => 'TestBot1', server => '', port => $port, }); $bot2->yield(register => 'all'); $bot2->yield(connect => { nick => 'TestBot2', server => '', port => $port, }); $bot3->yield(register => 'all'); $bot3->yield(connect => { nick => 'TestBot3', server => '', port => $port, }); } sub irc_001 { my $irc = $_[SENDER]->get_heap(); pass('Logged in'); $irc->yield(join => '#testchannel'); } sub irc_chan_sync { my ($heap, $where) = @_[HEAP, ARG0]; is($where, '#testchannel', 'Joined Channel Test'); $heap->{joined}++; if ($heap->{joined} == 3) { # these should succeed $bot2->yield(privmsg => $where, $bot1->nick_name() . ': plugin_add CTCP POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::CTCP'); $bot2->yield(privmsg => $where, $bot1->nick_name() . ': plugin_reload CTCP'); } } sub irc_public { my $irc = $_[SENDER]->get_heap(); my $nick = (split /!/, $_[ARG0])[0]; my $where = $_[ARG1]->[0]; my $what = $_[ARG2]; return if $irc == $bot3; if ($irc == $bot1) { pass($irc->nick_name() . ' got command'); $_[HEAP]->{commands}++; if ($_[HEAP]->{commands} == 2) { # should fail and not generate a response $bot3->yield(privmsg => $where, $bot1->nick_name() . ': plugin_reload CTCP'); } elsif ($_[HEAP]->{commands} == 3) { # this should be the last message on the channel $bot1->yield(privmsg => $where, 'LAST MESSAGE'); } } elsif ($nick eq $bot1->nick_name()) { if ($what eq 'LAST MESSAGE') { $bot1->yield('quit'); $bot2->yield('quit'); $bot3->yield('quit'); return; } pass($irc->nick_name() . ' got response'); $_[HEAP]->{responses}++; if ($_[HEAP]->{responses} > 2) { fail "Superfluous message: $what\n"; return; } } } sub irc_disconnected { my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; pass('irc_disconnected'); $heap->{count}++; $kernel->yield('_shutdown') if $heap->{count} == 3; } sub _shutdown { my ($kernel, $error) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0]; fail($error) if defined $error; $kernel->alarm_remove_all(); $ircd->yield('shutdown'); $bot1->yield('shutdown'); $bot2->yield('shutdown'); $bot3->yield('shutdown'); }