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use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use POE qw(Filter::Line);
use Test::More tests => 5;
my ($temp_fh, $temp_file) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1);
my $inode = (stat $temp_fh)[1];
print $temp_fh "moocow\n";
my $bot = POE::Component::IRC->spawn( plugin_debug => 1 );
package_states => [
main => [ qw(_start irc_plugin_add irc_plugin_del irc_tail_input) ],
sub _start {
$bot->yield(register => 'all');
my $plugin = POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::FollowTail->new(
filename => $temp_file,
filter => POE::Filter::Line->new(),
isa_ok($plugin, 'POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::FollowTail');
if (!$bot->plugin_add('TestPlugin', $plugin) ) {
fail('plugin_add failed');
sub irc_plugin_add {
my ($name, $plugin) = @_[ARG0, ARG1];
return if $name ne 'TestPlugin';
isa_ok($plugin, 'POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::FollowTail');
print $temp_fh "Cows go moo, yes they do\n";
sub irc_tail_input {
my ($sender, $filename, $input) = @_[SENDER, ARG0, ARG1];
my $irc = $sender->get_heap();
skip "No inodes on Windows", 1 if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
is((stat $filename)[1], $inode, 'Filename is okay');
is($input, 'Cows go moo, yes they do', 'Cows go moo!');
if (!$irc->plugin_del('TestPlugin')) {
fail('plugin_del failed');
sub irc_plugin_del {
my ($sender, $name, $plugin) = @_[SENDER, ARG0, ARG1];
my $irc = $sender->get_heap();
return if $name ne 'TestPlugin';
isa_ok($plugin, 'POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::FollowTail');