0.29   2010.12.06
        Restored missing POT/PO translation sources (Damyan Ivanov, AZAWAWI)

0.28   2010.10.29
        Removed Test::NeedsDisplay dependency (AZAWAWI)
        Removed Class::Autouse dependency (AZAWAWI)

0.27   2010.10.27
        Switched to Dist::Zilla (AZAWAWI)
        Added compatibility with the latest Padre (AZAWAWI)
        Added Arabic translation (AZAWAWI)

0.26    2010.8.12
        compatibility with new Padre (CHORNY)
        add JE (Syntax Check)
        New module name for JS document (CHORNY)
        Ability to release on Windows (CHORNY)
0.25    2009.2.1
        for Padre 0.26

0.24    2009.1.5
        for Padre 0.23

0.23    2008.12.19
        fix Padre::Document::JavaScript get_functions/get_function_regex for Mac

0.22    2008.12.18
        First release separately from Padre
        add JavaScrip::Beautifier
        add JavaScript::Minifier::XS