Revision history for the Persistent DBI package.

Changes in Persistent 0.50	07 Feb 2000

  This is the first submission of Persistent::DBI to CPAN.
  Here are a few changes from earlier versions of this module:

o Fixed Problem: upper case vs. lower case for column names in RDBMS.
  Due to the fact that RDBMS systems vary on the issue of
  case-senstive names, all object attributes are case-insensitive.  So
  all attributes names are converted to lowercase for generated SQL and
  internal use and it is recommended that all database tables and
  columns be named in lowercase letters if the RDBMS is case-sensitive.

o Added more arguments to datastore method for host and port.
  No longer are there separate arguments fot host, port, server,
  etc. for the datastore method.  Instead a DBI compliant data_source
  string should be passed as the first argument to the datastore/new
  methods along with a user/passwd combination if the RDBMS supports it.
  This was decided since the DBI and RDBMS implementations vary greatly
  on "connection criteria" and DBI already handles this nicely with
  their DSN connect strings.