0.01     2014-05-04
- Initial port from .calc.code unorganized function repository.

1.00     2017-07-08
- First release.  Finally have it repackaged and suitable for general use.

1.01     2017-07-08
- Fixed Physics::Ballistics package name.

1.02     2017-07-14
- pod2htmd.tmp: Removed turd file.
- lib/Physics/Ballistics/Terminal.pm:  Added clarification to use of momentum in lethality function.
- lib/Physics/Ballistics/Terminal.pm:  Added L<> notation to hyperlinks in poddoc.
- added cpanfile

1.03     2017-07-27
- dist.ini: Corrected github links and bumped version.
- dist.ini: Added [MetaJSON].
- META.json: Removed so it could be autogenerated by dzil.
- lib/Physics/Ballistics.pm: switched from "use vars" to "our", and bumped version.
- lib/Physics/Ballistics/Internal.pm: switched from "use vars" to "our", and bumped version.
- lib/Physics/Ballistics/External.pm: switched from "use vars" to "our", and bumped version.
- lib/Physics/Ballistics/Terminal.pm: switched from "use vars" to "our", and bumped version.