0.9 2004-03-23
* Now uses a configuration file for default values of parameters. No
need to edit the source code anymore.
* Added a Makefile to ease the installation process. The default is to
install in /usr/local but this can be overriden when invoking make.
Re-read the INSTALL file for details.
* Changed the default for --root to /media/cdrom instead of /cdrom
(for compliance with the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard)
* Omitting the --title now results in using --root instead, i.e., the
top directory will be printed as the CD's title. Thanks to Terry
Gliedt for suggesting this.
* Now uses ISO-8859-15 (or Latin9) enconding instead of ISO-8859-1
(Latin1). This is the recommended encoding for use in Western
Europe as it features the Euro sign and some French
not-so-common-but-still-needed characters, it is harmless for
countries using a European language (like in America). The rest of
the world was unhappy with ISO-8859-1 anyway.
* Bugfix: an empty title used to cause a division by zero in the
PostScript code (bug introduced in release 0.8)
0.8 2004-02-24
* Added switches --color, --cd-color and --folder-color to generate
colored output.
* Long titles are now scaled down enough to fit in the page width,
instead of being simply truncated.
Thanks to Michael M. Tung for suggesting these two enhancements.
0.7 2004-02-12
* Added switch --mp3 to replace filenames with song title when ID3
tags are available.
0.6 2004-02-05
* Prints one of the side labels upside down so that the box side reads
always good however it is put on the shelf.
* Code cleanup.
* Added switch --separator to add a column separator line
* Added switch --minwidth to eliminate too narrow columns. When the
room available on the right is below this limit, next column is sent
to the next page (only useful with --columns=0)
0.5 - 2004-02-04
* Bugfix: Added $File::Find::dont_use_nlink = 1 to prevent problem
with older versions of File::Find (File::Find would not recurse
through non Unix filesystems, notably ISO9660 CD-ROMs).
0.4 - 2004-02-02
* Added switch --all to force printing even empty pages
0.3 - 2004-02-02
* Setting --columns=0 now makes the widths of columns automatic, i.e.,
they take just enough room for the longest filename to fit. Still,
the right most column on a page can be too narrow, in which case the
long filenames are truncated.
* Code cleanup
0.2 - 2004-01-30
* Added --columns option to print out more (or less) than the default
2 columns.
0.1 - 2004-01-29
* Initial release