Revision history for Postfix-Parse-Mailq

1.005     2015-07-17 18:55:54-04:00 America/New_York
        - report "(error: things on fire)" as error_string when it precedes the
          recipient list

1.004     2014-01-25 11:41:43-05:00 America/New_York
        - add support for long queue ids (thanks,Johan Carlquist!)

1.003     2013-10-15 21:52:03 America/New_York
          update bugtracker and repo

1.002     2013-05-29 09:33:28 America/New_York
          avoid warnings, do not warn on the elusive "zero recipient message"

1.001     2008-10-24
          avoid warnings, do not choke on the last line of mailq output

1.000     2008-10-17
          tests, spool location

0.001     2008-10-02
          initial release