Sponsoring The Perl Toolchain Summit 2025: Help make this important event another success Learn more

use strict;
use lib 't/lib';
use Test::Requires 'EV';
use Test::Requires 'AnyEvent';
use Promises 'deferred', backend => ['EV'];
my @out;
my $cv = AE::cv;
is( exception {
# Resolve
->then( sub {"1: OK"} )
# Resolve then die
->then( sub { push @out, @_; die "2: OK\n" } )
# Reject and resolve
sub { push @out, "2: Not OK" },
sub { push @out, @_; "3: OK" }
# Resolve then die
sub { push @out, @_; die "4: OK\n" },
sub { push @out, @_, "3: Not OK" }
# Reject then die
sub { push @out, "4: Not OK" },
sub { push @out, @_; die "5: OK\n" }
# done then die
sub { push @out, "4: Not OK" },
sub { push @out, @_; die "Final\n" }
my $w = AE::timer( 1, 0, sub { $cv->send } );
"Exception in EV done is swallowed"
is $out[0], '1: OK', "Resolve";
is $out[1], "2: OK\n", "Resolve then die";
is $out[2], '3: OK', "Reject then resolve";
is $out[3], "4: OK\n", "Resolve then die";
is $out[4], "5: OK\n", "Reject then die";
sub a_promise {
my $d = deferred;
my $w;
$w = AnyEvent->timer(
after => 0,
cb => sub {
undef $w;