package RDF::Trine::Parser::OwlFn; use 5.008; use strict; use utf8; use Data::UUID; #use RDF::Trine; use RDF::Trine::Namespace qw[RDF RDFS OWL XSD]; use URI; our @ISA = qw[RDF::Trine::Parser]; our ($ParserClass, $VERSION); use constant AXIOMATIC => 0; use constant ANNOTATION => 1; use constant ONTOLOGY_ANNOTATION => 2; use constant ANNOTATION_ANNOTATION => 4; BEGIN { $VERSION = '0.001'; # Perl package name my $class = __PACKAGE__; $RDF::Trine::Parser::parser_names{'owlfn'} = $class; # Common file extension $RDF::Trine::Parser::parser_names{'ofn'} = $class; $RDF::Trine::Parser::file_extensions{'ofn'} = $class; $RDF::Trine::Parser::file_extensions{'OFN'} = $class; # Format URI $RDF::Trine::Parser::parser_names{'owlfunctional'} = $class; $RDF::Trine::Parser::format_uris{''} = $class; # Media type $RDF::Trine::Parser::media_types{'text/owl-functional'} = $class; $RDF::Trine::Parser::canonical_media_types{$class} = 'text/owl-functional'; $RDF::Trine::Parser::encodings{$class} = 'utf8'; } sub new { my ($class, %args) = @_; unless ($ParserClass) { if (eval "use ${class}::Compiled; 1;") { $ParserClass = "${class}::Compiled"; } elsif (eval "use ${class}::Grammar; 1;") { $ParserClass = "${class}::Grammar"; } } return bless { ParserClass => $ParserClass, Options => \%args, }, $class; } sub parse { my ($self, $uri, $text, $handler, %args) = @_; $self->{PRD} = undef; $self->_blank_slate($handler, $args{prefix_handler}||0, $uri); die "PRD parser could not be instantiated.\n" unless defined $self->{PRD}; $self->{PRD}->ontologyDocument(\$text); return $text; } sub _blank_slate { my ($self, $st_handler, $b_handler, $base_uri) = @_; my $parser = $self->{PRD} = $self->{ParserClass}->new; $self->{Handler} = $st_handler || 0; $self->{BindingHandler} = $b_handler || 0; $parser->{BASE_URI} = $base_uri || undef; # Accept a statement from the PRD parser and hand it to the Trine parser. $parser->{STATEMENT} = sub { my ($st, $type) = @_; unless (($self->{Options}{filter}||0) & $type) { if (ref $self->{Handler} eq 'CODE') { $self->{Handler}->($st); } elsif ($self->{Handler} == 1) { printf("%s #%d\n", $st->sse, $type); } } }; # Process a statement from the PRD parser. $parser->{TRIPLE} = sub { my ($st, $source); if ($_[0]->isa('RDF::Trine::Node')) { $st = RDF::Trine::Statement->new(@_[0..2]); $source = $_[3]; } else { $st = $_[0]; $source = $_[1]; } $source = AXIOMATIC unless defined $source; $parser->{STATEMENT}->($st, $source); return $st; }; # Process a set of annotations from the PRD parser. $parser->{ANNOTATE} = sub { my ($annotations, $things, $source) = @_; $things = [$things] unless ref $things eq 'ARRAY'; $source = ANNOTATION unless defined $source; if (ref $annotations eq 'ARRAY' and @$annotations) { foreach my $st (@$things) { my $reified = $st->isa('RDF::Trine::Node') ? $st : RDF::Trine::Node::Blank->new; my $reification_done = 0; foreach my $ann (@$annotations) { unless ($reification_done or $st->isa('RDF::Trine::Node')) { my $type = ($source==ANNOTATION_ANNOTATION) ? $OWL->Annotation : $OWL->Axiom; $parser->{STATEMENT}->(RDF::Trine::Statement->new($reified, $RDF->type, $type), $source); $parser->{STATEMENT}->(RDF::Trine::Statement->new($reified, $OWL->annotatedSource, $st->subject), $source); $parser->{STATEMENT}->(RDF::Trine::Statement->new($reified, $OWL->annotatedProperty, $st->predicate), $source); $parser->{STATEMENT}->(RDF::Trine::Statement->new($reified, $OWL->annotatedTarget, $st->object), $source); $reification_done++; } my $x = $ann->{template}->bind_variables({ subject => $reified }); $parser->{STATEMENT}->($x, $source); if (ref $ann->{annotationAnnotations} eq 'ARRAY' and @{$ann->{annotationAnnotations}}) { $parser->{ANNOTATE}->($ann->{annotationAnnotations}, $x, ANNOTATION_ANNOTATION); } } } } }; # Accept a prefix binding from the PRD parser. $parser->{PREFIX} = sub { if (ref $self->{BindingHandler} eq 'CODE') { $self->{BindingHandler}->(@_); } elsif ($self->{BindingHandler} == 1) { printf("(binding \"%s\" <%s>)\n", @_); } }; # The PRD parser needs a blank node prefix. $parser->{BPREFIX} = Data::UUID->new->create_str; $parser->{BPREFIX} =~ s/-//g; return $self; } sub test { local $/ = undef; my $base = ''; my $document = <DATA>; my $model = RDF::Trine::Model->temporary_model; my $parser = __PACKAGE__->new; my $ns = { rdf => $RDF->uri->uri, rdfs => $RDFS->uri->uri, owl => $OWL->uri->uri, xsd => $XSD->uri->uri, ''=>$base }; my $turtle = RDF::Trine::Serializer->new( 'Turtle', namespaces => $ns, ); my $r = $parser->parse_into_model($base, $document, $model); print $turtle->serialize_model_to_string($model); 0; } exit(__PACKAGE__->test) unless caller; 1; =head1 NAME RDF::Trine::Parser::OwlFn - OWL Functional Syntax Parser =head1 SYNOPSIS use RDF::Trine::Parser; my $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser->new('owlfn'); $parser->parse_into_model($base_uri, $data, $model); =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 Methods Beyond the methods documented below, this class inherits methods from the L<RDF::Trine::Parser> class. =over =item C<< new(\%options) >> The only option supported is C<filter> which can be used to tell the parser to ignore certain potentially boring triples. $flt = RDF::Trine::Parser::OwlFn::ANNOTATION + RDF::Trine::Parser::OwlFn::ANNOTATION_ANNOTATION; $parser = RDF::Trine::Parser->new('owlfn', filter=>$flt); The following constants are defined for filtering purposes: =over =item * C<ANNOTATION> - axiom annotations =item * C<ONTOLOGY_ANNOTATION> - ontology annotations =item * C<ANNOTATION_ANNOTATION> - annotation annotations =back =back The usual C<< parse_* >> methods accept an argument C<prefix_handler> which can take a coderef which is called every time a prefix is defined by the ontology being parsed. The coderef is called with two arguments: the prefix being defined (including trailing colon), and the full URI as a string. The C<< parse_* >> methods return a string containing the remainder of the input (i.e. potentially a tail which could not be parsed). =head1 SEE ALSO L<RDF::Closure>, L<RDF::Trine::Parser>. L<>. =head1 AUTHOR Toby Inkster E<lt>tobyink@cpan.orgE<gt>. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2011-2012 Toby Inkster This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under any of the following licences: =over =item * The Artistic License 1.0 L<>. =item * The GNU General Public License Version 1 L<>, or (at your option) any later version. =item * The W3C Software Notice and License L<>. =item * The Clarified Artistic License L<>. =back =head1 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. =cut __DATA__ Prefix(a:=<family_guy#>) Prefix(foaf:=<>) /* Hello world. */ # foo bar baz Ontology( <example> <example_1.1> Import(foaf:) Annotation( Annotation( Annotation ( a:dated "2011-03-01"^^xsd:date ) a:assertedBy a:Seth ) foaf:maker a:Seth ) Declaration( Annotation( a:test a:annotation ) Class( a:Person ) ) Declaration( Class( a:Dog ) ) Declaration( Class( a:Species ) ) Declaration( NamedIndividual( a:Peter ) ) Declaration( NamedIndividual( a:Brian ) ) ClassAssertion( a:Person a:Peter ) ClassAssertion( a:Dog a:Brian ) #quux ClassAssertion( a:Species a:Dog ) ClassAssertion( a:Species a:Person ) HasKey(a:Person (a:surname a:forename a:placeOfBirth a:dateOfBirth) ()) DisjointClasses( a:Human a:Fish a:Dog a:Cat ) EquivalentClasses( a:Person a:Human foaf:Person ) SubObjectPropertyOf( ObjectPropertyChain( a:hasMother a:hasSister ) a:hasAunt ) ObjectPropertyAssertion( Annotation( Annotation ( a:dated "2011-03-02"^^xsd:date ) a:assertedBy a:Peter ) Annotation( a:assertedBy a:Brian ) a:owns a:Peter a:Brian ) NegativeObjectPropertyAssertion( Annotation( a:assertedBy a:Peter ) a:owns a:Lois a:Brian ) DataPropertyAssertion(a:isMarried a:Peter yes) DataPropertyAssertion(rdfs:label a:Peter "Peter"@en) DataPropertyAssertion(rdfs:label a:Brian "Brian@en"^^rdf:PlainLiteral) DataPropertyAssertion(rdfs:label a:Lois "Lois@"^^rdf:PlainLiteral) DataPropertyAssertion(rdfs:label a:Meg "Meg") DataPropertyAssertion(rdfs:label a:Monkey "\"Evil\" Monkey") DataPropertyRange( Annotation( rdfs:comment "Labels shouldn't be too long or too short." ) rdfs:label DatatypeRestriction( xsd:string xsd:maxLength 256 xsd:minLength 2 ) ) ) # lalalala