April 16, 2002
Original perl module released, based on my (also CPAN contributed)
script "make_rpm.pl". Works well on RedHat 6.* and RedHat 7.* and
is compatible with both rpm version 3.* and rpm version 4.*.
May 16, 2002
Fixing a bug in Make.pm to allow customization of the RPM group
(such as Utilities/System or Applications/Editors).
Minor improvements throughout the module. Documenting
subroutines more clearly. Supporting multiple smaller steps in
test.pl. Support handling of different architectures other than
June 17, 2002
Fixing several bugs: no more duplication of $group variable name;
no more hardcoding of RPM release number; accommodating rpm
version >4.0.2 command-line syntax; fixing pre example in
POD synopsis. The 'clean' target now cleans up rpms made during
testing as well as TempBuildLoc.
June 30, 2002
Changing e-mail address to sharrison@users.sourceforge.net.
Testing for rpm command in Makefile.PL so as to test successfully
against multiple architectures.
July 3, 2002
Fine-tuning the documentation.
September 11, 2002
Supporting dashes inside RPM name (previously, only alphanumeric
characters were supported).
October 2, 2002
POD fix (incorporating an =back statement to correspond with
the =over statements). Making backwards compatible with GNU
find 4.1.6 or earlier by replacing -prune argument with
-maxdepth 0 argument.
December 18, 2002
Now accommodating >4.1 command-line syntax (requires the rpmbuild
command). Also, more expansive character set, such as with '++'
(which was being eaten up by regular expressions).