# THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY script/development/namespaces_regenerate.pl # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY!!! please put all changes in namespaces_regenerate.pl ## no critic qw(Capitalization ProhibitMultiplePackages ProhibitReusedNames) # SYSTEM DEFAULT 3: allow multiple & lower case package names package # hide from PAUSE indexing rperlnamespaces_generated; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = 0.001_000; ## no critic qw(ProhibitParensWithBuiltins ProhibitNoisyQuotes) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 3: allow auto-generated code $rperlnamespaces_generated::NONCOMPILED = undef; $rperlnamespaces_generated::NONCOMPILED = { 'Acme::' => 1, 'Algorithm::' => 1, 'Archive::' => 1, 'Array::' => 1, 'Attribute::' => 1, 'Authen::' => 1, 'Benchmark::' => 1, 'CGI::' => 1, 'Compress::' => 1, 'Cookie::' => 1, 'Cpanel::' => 1, 'Crypt::' => 1, 'DBD::' => 1, 'DBI::' => 1, 'Date::' => 1, 'Excel::' => 1, 'FFI::' => 1, 'Geo::' => 1, 'HTTP::' => 1, 'Hash::' => 1, 'Hook::' => 1, 'IS::' => 1, 'Import::' => 1, 'LWP::' => 1, 'Mail::' => 1, 'MooX::' => 1, 'MooseX::' => 1, 'Net::' => 1, 'Number::' => 1, 'Opcode::' => 1, 'Plack::' => 1, 'RPC::' => 1, 'Sereal::' => 1, 'StackTrace::' => 1, 'Statistics::' => 1, 'Stream::' => 1, 'TAP::' => 1, 'Throwable::' => 1, 'Tree::' => 1, 'URI::' => 1, 'Unicode::' => 1, 'WWW::' => 1, 'XML::' => 1, 'ZMQ::' => 1, 'autouse::' => 1, 'metaclass::' => 1, 'subs::' => 1 }; $rperlnamespaces_generated::CORE = undef; $rperlnamespaces_generated::CORE = { '!' => 1, 'B::' => 1, 'CORE::' => 1, 'Carp::' => 1, 'DB::' => 1, 'Data::' => 1, 'DynaLoader::' => 1, 'ENV' => 1, 'ERRNO' => 1, 'English::' => 1, 'Errno::' => 1, 'Exporter::' => 1, 'INC' => 1, 'IO::' => 1, 'Internals::' => 1, 'OS_ERROR' => 1, 'PerlIO::' => 1, 'Regexp::' => 1, 'SIG' => 1, 'Scalar::' => 1, 'Tie::' => 1, 'UNIVERSAL::' => 1, 'XSLoader::' => 1, 'bytes::' => 1, 'constant::' => 1, 'main::' => 1, 'mro::' => 1, 'overload::' => 1, 'overloading::' => 1, 're::' => 1, 'strict::' => 1, 'threads::' => 1, 'utf8::' => 1, 'version::' => 1, 'warnings::' => 1 }; $rperlnamespaces_generated::RPERL_DEPS = undef; $rperlnamespaces_generated::RPERL_DEPS = { 'Alien::' => 1, 'Authen::' => 1, 'AutoLoader::' => 1, 'AutoSplit::' => 1, 'BSON::' => 1, 'CPAN::' => 1, 'Capture::' => 1, 'Class::' => 1, 'Clone::' => 1, 'Config::' => 1, 'Config_git::' => 1, 'Config_heavy::' => 1, 'Cross::' => 1, 'Cwd::' => 1, 'DateTime::' => 1, 'Devel::' => 1, 'Digest::' => 1, 'DirHandle::' => 1, 'Does::' => 1, 'Dos::' => 1, 'EPOC::' => 1, 'Email::' => 1, 'Encode::' => 1, 'Env::' => 1, 'Error::' => 1, 'Eval::' => 1, 'Exception::' => 1, 'ExtUtils::' => 1, 'FFI::' => 1, 'FakeLocale::' => 1, 'Fcntl::' => 1, 'File::' => 1, 'FileHandle::' => 1, 'Filter::' => 1, 'FindBin::' => 1, 'Getopt::' => 1, 'HTML::' => 1, 'I18N::' => 1, 'IPC::' => 1, 'Inline::' => 1, 'JSON::' => 1, 'Lingua::' => 1, 'List::' => 1, 'Locale::' => 1, 'Log::' => 1, 'MIME::' => 1, 'MM::' => 1, 'MRO::' => 1, 'MY::' => 1, 'Mango::' => 1, 'Math::' => 1, 'Method::' => 1, 'Module::' => 1, 'MongoDB::' => 1, 'Moo::' => 1, 'Moose::' => 1, 'Mouse::' => 1, 'Mozilla::' => 1, 'Net::' => 1, 'Object::' => 1, 'POSIX::' => 1, 'PPI::' => 1, 'PPIx::' => 1, 'Package::' => 1, 'PadWalker::' => 1, 'Params::' => 1, 'Parse::' => 1, 'Path::' => 1, 'Perl::' => 1, 'Pod::' => 1, 'Readonly::' => 1, 'Ref::' => 1, 'Role::' => 1, 'SDL::' => 1, 'SDL_perl::' => 1, 'SDLx::' => 1, 'Safe::' => 1, 'SelectSaver::' => 1, 'SelfLoader::' => 1, 'Socket::' => 1, 'Specio::' => 1, 'Storable::' => 1, 'String::' => 1, 'Sub::' => 1, 'Symbol::' => 1, 'Syntax::' => 1, 'Sys::' => 1, 'Term::' => 1, 'Test2::' => 1, 'Test::' => 1, 'Text::' => 1, 'Tie::' => 1, 'Time::' => 1, 'Try::' => 1, 'Type::' => 1, 'Types::' => 1, 'Unicode::' => 1, 'VMS::' => 1, 'Validation::' => 1, 'Variable::' => 1, 'Win32::' => 1, '_charnames::' => 1, 'attributes::' => 1, 'auto::' => 1, 'base::' => 1, 'boolean::' => 1, 'bytes_heavy::' => 1, 'charnames::' => 1, 'deprecate::' => 1, 'f845a9c1ac41be33::' => 1, 'feature::' => 1, 'fields::' => 1, 'flock::' => 1, 'if::' => 1, 'integer::' => 1, 'isn::' => 1, 'locale::' => 1, 'maybe::' => 1, 'namespace::' => 1, 'next::' => 1, 'parent::' => 1, 'psSnake::' => 1, 're::' => 1, 'ref::' => 1, 'strict::' => 1, 'strictures::' => 1, 'swig_runtime_data::' => 1, 'unicore::' => 1, 'utf8_heavy::' => 1, 'vars::' => 1, 'warnings::' => 1 }; # DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp051: hard-coded list of RPerl data types and data structures [AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY script/development/namespaces_regenerate.pl] # DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp054: auto-generation of OO property accessors/mutators checks the auto-generated RPerl type list for base data types to determine if the entire data structure can be returned by setting ($return_whole = 1) $rperlnamespaces_generated::RPERL = undef; $rperlnamespaces_generated::RPERL = { 'RPerl::' => 1, 'RPerl::Support::' => 1, 'RPerl::Support::MongoDB::' => 1, 'array::' => 1, 'arrayref::' => 1, 'arrayref_arrayref::' => 1, 'arrayref_arrayref_arrayref::' => 1, 'arrayref_arrayref_hashref::' => 1, 'arrayref_hashref::' => 1, 'arrayref_hashref_hashref::' => 1, 'boolean::' => 1, 'character::' => 1, 'character_arrayref::' => 1, 'character_hashref::' => 1, 'coderef::' => 1, 'constant_integer::' => 1, 'constant_number::' => 1, 'constant_sse_number_pair::' => 1, 'constant_unsigned_integer::' => 1, 'filehandleref::' => 1, 'gmp_integer::' => 1, 'gsl_matrix::' => 1, 'hash::' => 1, 'hashref::' => 1, 'hashref_arrayref::' => 1, 'hashref_arrayref_hashref::' => 1, 'hashref_hashref::' => 1, 'hashref_hashref_hashref::' => 1, 'integer::' => 1, 'integer_arrayref::' => 1, 'integer_arrayref_arrayref::' => 1, 'integer_arrayref_arrayref_arrayref::' => 1, 'integer_arrayref_arrayref_hashref::' => 1, 'integer_arrayref_hashref::' => 1, 'integer_arrayref_hashref_hashref::' => 1, 'integer_hashref::' => 1, 'integer_hashref_arrayref_hashref::' => 1, 'integer_hashref_hashref::' => 1, 'integer_hashref_hashref_hashref::' => 1, 'method::' => 1, 'number::' => 1, 'number_arrayref::' => 1, 'number_arrayref_arrayref::' => 1, 'number_arrayref_arrayref_arrayref::' => 1, 'number_arrayref_arrayref_hashref::' => 1, 'number_arrayref_hashref::' => 1, 'number_arrayref_hashref_hashref::' => 1, 'number_hashref::' => 1, 'number_hashref_arrayref_hashref::' => 1, 'number_hashref_hashref::' => 1, 'number_hashref_hashref_hashref::' => 1, 'object::' => 1, 'object_arrayref::' => 1, 'object_hashref::' => 1, 'perlapinames_generated::' => 1, 'rperl::' => 1, 'rperlgmp::' => 1, 'rperlgsl::' => 1, 'rperlnames::' => 1, 'rperlnamespaces::' => 1, 'rperlnamespaces_generated::' => 1, 'rperloperations::' => 1, 'rperloptions::' => 1, 'rperlrules::' => 1, 'rperlsse::' => 1, 'rperltypes::' => 1, 'rperltypesconv::' => 1, 'rperltypessizes::' => 1, 'scalartype::' => 1, 'scalartype_arrayref::' => 1, 'scalartype_arrayref_arrayref::' => 1, 'scalartype_arrayref_arrayref_arrayref::' => 1, 'scalartype_arrayref_arrayref_hashref::' => 1, 'scalartype_arrayref_hashref_hashref::' => 1, 'scalartype_hashref::' => 1, 'scalartype_hashref_arrayref_hashref::' => 1, 'scalartype_hashref_hashref::' => 1, 'scalartype_hashref_hashref_hashref::' => 1, 'sse_number_pair::' => 1, 'string::' => 1, 'string_arrayref::' => 1, 'string_arrayref_arrayref::' => 1, 'string_arrayref_arrayref_arrayref::' => 1, 'string_arrayref_arrayref_hashref::' => 1, 'string_arrayref_hashref::' => 1, 'string_arrayref_hashref_hashref::' => 1, 'string_hashref::' => 1, 'string_hashref_arrayref_hashref::' => 1, 'string_hashref_hashref::' => 1, 'string_hashref_hashref_hashref::' => 1, 'unknown::' => 1, 'unsigned_integer::' => 1, 'void::' => 1 }; $rperlnamespaces_generated::RPERL_FILES = undef; $rperlnamespaces_generated::RPERL_FILES = { 'RPerl.pm' => 1, 'RPerl/AfterSubclass.pm' => 1, 'RPerl/CompileUnit/Module/Class.pm' => 1, 'RPerl/Config.pm' => 1, 'RPerl/Exporter.pm' => 1, 'RPerl/HelperFunctions_cpp.pm' => 1, 'RPerl/Inline.pm' => 1, 'RPerl/Support.pm' => 1, 'RPerl/Support/MongoDB.pm' => 1, 'RPerl\\AfterSubclass.pm' => 1, 'RPerl\\CompileUnit\\Module\\Class.pm' => 1, 'RPerl\\Config.pm' => 1, 'RPerl\\Exporter.pm' => 1, 'RPerl\\HelperFunctions_cpp.pm' => 1, 'RPerl\\Inline.pm' => 1, 'RPerl\\Support.pm' => 1, 'RPerl\\Support\\MongoDB.pm' => 1, 'perlapinames_generated.pm' => 1, 'rperlgmp.pm' => 1, 'rperlgsl.pm' => 1, 'rperlnames.pm' => 1, 'rperlnamespaces.pm' => 1, 'rperlnamespaces_generated.pm' => 1, 'rperloperations.pm' => 1, 'rperloptions.pm' => 1, 'rperlrules.pm' => 1, 'rperlsse.pm' => 1, 'rperltypes.pm' => 1, 'rperltypesconv.pm' => 1, 'rperltypessizes.pm' => 1 }; 1;