Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 27 Learn more

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# suppress 'WEXRP00: Found multiple rperl executables' due to blib/ & pre-existing installation(s)
use strict;
our $VERSION = 0.008_000;
## no critic qw(ProhibitUselessNoCritic ProhibitMagicNumbers RequireCheckedSyscalls) # USER DEFAULT 1: allow numeric values & print operator
## no critic qw(ProhibitStringySplit ProhibitInterpolationOfLiterals) # DEVELOPER DEFAULT 2: allow string test values
## no critic qw(ProhibitStringyEval) # SYSTEM DEFAULT 1: allow eval()
## no critic qw(RequireInterpolationOfMetachars) # USER DEFAULT 2: allow single-quoted control characters & sigils
## no critic qw(RequireCheckingReturnValueOfEval) # SYSTEM DEFAULT 4: allow eval() test code blocks
use RPerl::DataType::Integer qw(integer_typetest0 integer_typetest1);
use RPerl::DataType::Number qw(number_typetest0 number_typetest1);
use RPerl::DataType::String qw(string_typetest0 string_typetest1);
use rperltypes; # types_enable()
use Test::More tests => 310;
Test::More::diag("[[[ Beginning Scalar Type Pre-Test Loading, RPerl Type System ]]]");
lives_and( sub { use_ok('RPerl::AfterSubclass'); }, q{use_ok('RPerl::AfterSubclass') lives} );
foreach my string $type (qw(Integer Number String)) {
lives_and( sub { use_ok( 'RPerl::DataType::' . $type . '_cpp' ); }, q{use_ok('RPerl::DataType::' . $type . '_cpp') lives} );
# use Data::Dumper() to stringify a string
#our string $string_dumperify = sub { # NEED FIX: RPerl subroutines disabled here
sub string_dumperify {
( my string $input_string ) = @_;
# RPerl::diag("in 04_type_scalar.t string_dumperify(), received have \$input_string =\n$input_string\n\n");
$input_string = Dumper( [$input_string] );
$input_string =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//xmsg; # strip leading whitespace
my @input_string_split = split "\n", $input_string;
$input_string = $input_string_split[1]; # only select the data line
return $input_string;
foreach my integer $mode_id ( sort keys %{$RPerl::MODES} ) {
# [[[ MODE SETUP ]]]
# RPerl::diag("in 04_type_scalar.t, top of for() loop, have \$mode_id = $mode_id\n");
my scalartype_hashref $mode = $RPerl::MODES->{$mode_id};
my string $ops = $mode->{ops};
my string $types = $mode->{types};
my string $mode_tagline = $ops . 'OPS_' . $types . 'TYPES';
Test::More::diag( '[[[ Beginning RPerl Scalar Type Tests, ' . $ops . ' Operations & ' . $types . ' Data Types' . ' ]]]' );
# $RPerl::DEBUG = 1;
# RPerl::diag('have $ops = ' . $ops . "\n");
# RPerl::diag('have $types = ' . $types . "\n");
# RPerl::diag('have $mode_tagline = ' . $mode_tagline . "\n");
lives_ok( sub { rperltypes::types_enable($types) }, q{mode '} . $ops . ' Operations & ' . $types . ' Data Types' . q{' enabled} );
foreach my string $type (qw(Integer Number String)) {
if ( $ops eq 'CPP' ) {
# force reload
delete $main::{ 'RPerl__DataType__' . $type . '__MODE_ID' };
my $package = 'RPerl::DataType::' . $type . '_cpp';
lives_and( sub { require_ok($package); }, 'require_ok(' . $package . ') lives' );
# lives_and( sub { use_ok($package); }, 'use_ok(' . $package . ') lives' );
lives_ok( sub { eval( $package . '::cpp_load();' ) }, $package . '::cpp_load() lives' );
lives_ok( sub { main->can( 'RPerl__DataType__' . $type . '__MODE_ID' ) }, 'main::RPerl__DataType__' . $type . '__MODE_ID() exists' );
# NEED ANSWER: why does direct-calling *MODE_ID() always return 0, but main->can(...) and eval(...) returns correct values?
# RPerl::diag('have $type = ' . $type . "\n");
# my string $eval_string = 'main::RPerl__DataType__' . $type . '__MODE_ID();';
# RPerl::diag('have $eval_string = ' . $eval_string . "\n");
# my string $eval_retval = eval($eval_string);
# RPerl::diag('have $eval_retval = ' . $eval_retval . "\n");
# RPerl::diag(q{have main::RPerl__DataType__Integer__MODE_ID() = '} . main::RPerl__DataType__Integer__MODE_ID() . "'\n");
# RPerl::diag(q{have main::RPerl__DataType__Number__MODE_ID() = '} . main::RPerl__DataType__Number__MODE_ID() . "'\n");
# RPerl::diag(q{have main::RPerl__DataType__String__MODE_ID() = '} . main::RPerl__DataType__String__MODE_ID() . "'\n");
#RPerl::diag('in 04_type_scalar.t, top of for() loop, have $RPerl::MODES = ' . "\n" . Dumper($RPerl::MODES) . "\n");
#RPerl::diag('in 04_type_scalar.t, top of for() loop, have RPerl__DataType__ . $type . __MODE_ID = ' . 'RPerl__DataType__' . $type . '__MODE_ID' . "\n");
#RPerl::diag('in 04_type_scalar.t, top of for() loop, have main::RPerl__DataType__Integer__MODE_ID() = ' . main::RPerl__DataType__Integer__MODE_ID() . "\n");
#RPerl::diag('in 04_type_scalar.t, top of for() loop, have eval(main::RPerl__DataType__Integer__MODE_ID()) = ' . eval('main::RPerl__DataType__Integer__MODE_ID()') . "\n");
#RPerl::diag('in 04_type_scalar.t, top of for() loop, have main->can(...) = ' . main->can( 'RPerl__DataType__Integer__MODE_ID' ) . "\n");
#RPerl::diag('in 04_type_scalar.t, top of for() loop, have main->can(...)->() = ' . main->can( 'RPerl__DataType__Integer__MODE_ID' )->() . "\n");
#RPerl::diag('in 04_type_scalar.t, top of for() loop, have Dumper(\%main::) = ' . Dumper(\%main::) . "\n");
sub {
is( $RPerl::MODES->{ main->can( 'RPerl__DataType__' . $type . '__MODE_ID' )->() }->{types},
$types, 'main::RPerl__DataType__' . $type . '__MODE_ID() types returns ' . $types );
'main::RPerl__DataType__' . $type . '__MODE_ID() lives'
throws_ok( # TIV00
sub { integer_to_string() },
"/(EIV00.*$mode_tagline)|(Usage.*integer_to_string)/", # DEV NOTE: 2 different error messages, RPerl & C
q{TIV00 integer_to_string() throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TIV01
sub { integer_to_string(undef) },
q{TIV01 integer_to_string(undef) throws correct exception}
lives_and( # TIV02
sub {
is( integer_to_string(0), '0', q{TIV02 integer_to_string(0) returns correct value} );
q{TIV02 integer_to_string(0) lives}
lives_and( # TIV03
sub {
is( integer_to_string(-0), '0', q{TIV03 integer_to_string(-0) returns correct value} );
q{TIV03 integer_to_string(-0) lives}
lives_and( # TIV04
sub {
is( integer_to_string(3), '3', q{TIV04 integer_to_string(3) returns correct value} );
q{TIV04 integer_to_string(3) lives}
lives_and( # TIV05
sub {
is( integer_to_string(-17), '-17', q{TIV05 integer_to_string(-17) returns correct value} );
q{TIV05 integer_to_string(-17) lives}
throws_ok( # TIV06
sub { integer_to_string(-17.3) },
q{TIV06 integer_to_string(-17.3) throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TIV07
sub { integer_to_string('-17.3') },
q{TIV07 integer_to_string('-17.3') throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TIV08
sub { integer_to_string( [3] ) },
q{TIV08 integer_to_string([3]) throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TIV09
sub { integer_to_string( { a_key => 3 } ) },
q{TIV09 integer_to_string({a_key => 3}) throws correct exception}
lives_and( # TIV10
sub {
is( integer_to_string(34_567_890), '34_567_890', q{TIV10 integer_to_string(34_567_890) returns correct value} );
q{TIV10 integer_to_string(34_567_890) lives}
lives_and( # TIV11
sub {
is( integer_to_string(-34_567_890), '-34_567_890', q{TIV11 integer_to_string(-34_567_890) returns correct value} );
q{TIV11 integer_to_string(-34_567_890) lives}
lives_and( # TIV12
sub {
is( integer_to_string(234_567_890), '234_567_890', q{TIV12 integer_to_string(234_567_890) returns correct value} );
q{TIV12 integer_to_string(234_567_890) lives}
lives_and( # TIV13
sub {
is( integer_to_string(-234_567_890), '-234_567_890', q{TIV13 integer_to_string(-234_567_890) returns correct value} );
q{TIV13 integer_to_string(-234_567_890) lives}
lives_and( # TIV14
sub {
is( integer_to_string(1_234_567_890), '1_234_567_890', q{TIV14 integer_to_string(1_234_567_890) returns correct value} );
q{TIV14 integer_to_string(1_234_567_890) lives}
lives_and( # TIV15
sub {
is( integer_to_string(-1_234_567_890), '-1_234_567_890', q{TIV15 integer_to_string(-1_234_567_890) returns correct value} );
q{TIV15 integer_to_string(-1_234_567_890) lives}
throws_ok( # TIV16
sub {
q{TIV16 integer_to_string(-1_234_567_890_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000) throws correct exception}
lives_and( # TIV20
sub {
is( integer_typetest0(), ( 3 + $mode_id ), q{TIV20 integer_typetest0() returns correct value} );
q{TIV20 integer_typetest0() lives}
throws_ok( # TIV30
sub { integer_typetest1() },
, # DEV NOTE: 2 different error messages, RPerl & C
q{TIV30 integer_typetest1() throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TIV31
sub { integer_typetest1(undef) },
q{TIV31 integer_typetest1(undef) throws correct exception}
lives_and( # TIV32
sub {
is( integer_typetest1(3), ( ( 3 * 2 ) + $mode_id ), q{TIV32 integer_typetest1(3) returns correct value} );
q{TIV32 integer_typetest1(3) lives}
lives_and( # TIV33
sub {
is( integer_typetest1(-17), ( ( -17 * 2 ) + $mode_id ), q{TIV33 integer_typetest1(-17) returns correct value} );
q{TIV33 integer_typetest1(-17) lives}
throws_ok( # TIV34
sub { integer_typetest1(-17.3) },
q{TIV34 integer_typetest1(-17.3) throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TIV35
sub { integer_typetest1('-17.3') },
q{TIV35 integer_typetest1('-17.3') throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TIV36
sub { integer_typetest1( [3] ) },
q{TIV36 integer_typetest1([3]) throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TIV37
sub { integer_typetest1( { a_key => 3 } ) },
q{TIV37 integer_typetest1({a_key => 3}) throws correct exception}
lives_and( # TIV38
sub {
is( integer_typetest1(-234_567_890), ( ( -234_567_890 * 2 ) + $mode_id ), q{TIV38 integer_typetest1(-234_567_890) returns correct value} );
q{TIV38 integer_typetest1(-234_567_890) lives}
throws_ok( # TIV39
sub {
q{TIV39 integer_typetest1(-1_234_567_890_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000) throws correct exception}
# [[[ NUMBER TESTS ]]]
# [[[ NUMBER TESTS ]]]
# [[[ NUMBER TESTS ]]]
throws_ok( # TNV00
sub { number_to_string() },
"/(ENV00.*$mode_tagline)|(Usage.*number_to_string)/", # DEV NOTE: 2 different error messages, RPerl & C
q{TNV00 number_to_string() throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TNV01
sub { number_to_string(undef) },
q{TNV01 number_to_string(undef) throws correct exception}
lives_and( # TNV02
sub {
is( number_to_string(3), '3', q{TNV02 number_to_string(3) returns correct value} );
q{TNV02 number_to_string(3) lives}
lives_and( # TNV03
sub {
is( number_to_string(-17), '-17', q{TNV03 number_to_string(-17) returns correct value} );
q{TNV03 number_to_string(-17) lives}
lives_and( # TNV04
sub {
is( number_to_string(-17.3), '-17.3', q{TNV04 number_to_string(-17.3) returns correct value} );
q{TNV04 number_to_string(-17.3) lives}
throws_ok( # TNV05
sub { number_to_string('-17.3') },
q{TNV05 number_to_string('-17.3') throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TNV06
sub { number_to_string( [3] ) },
q{TNV06 number_to_string([3]) throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TNV07
sub { number_to_string( { a_key => 3 } ) },
q{TNV07 number_to_string({a_key => 3}) throws correct exception}
lives_and( # TNV08
sub {
# is( number_to_string(3.141_592_653_589_793_238_462_643_383_279_502_884_197_169_399_375_105_820_974_944_592_307_816_406_286_208_998_628_034_825_342_117_067_9),
# '3.141_592_653_589_79',
like( number_to_string(3.141_592_653_589_793_238_462_643_383_279_502_884_197_169_399_375_105_820_974_944_592_307_816_406_286_208_998_628_034_825_342_117_067_9),
q{TNV08 number_to_string(3.141_592_653_589_793_238_462_643_383_279_502_884_197_169_399_375_105_820_974_944_592_307_816_406_286_208_998_628_034_825_342_117_067_9) returns correct value}
q{TNV08 number_to_string(3.141_592_653_589_793_238_462_643_383_279_502_884_197_169_399_375_105_820_974_944_592_307_816_406_286_208_998_628_034_825_342_117_067_9) lives}
lives_and( # TNV09
sub {
# is( number_to_string(1_234_567.890_123_456), '1_234_567.890_123_46', q{TNV09 number_to_string(1_234_567.890_123_456) returns correct value} );
like( number_to_string(1_234_567.890_123_456), qr/1_234_567.890_123_4/, q{TNV09 number_to_string(1_234_567.890_123_456) returns correct value} );
q{TNV09 number_to_string(1_234_567.890_123_456) lives}
lives_and( # TNV10
sub {
is( number_to_string(123_456_789.678_90), '123_456_789.678_9', q{TNV10 number_to_string(123_456_789.678_90) returns correct value} );
q{TNV10 number_to_string(123_456_789.678_90) lives}
lives_and( # TNV11
sub {
is( number_to_string(123_456_789.0), '123_456_789', q{TNV11 number_to_string(123_456_789.0) returns correct value} );
q{TNV11 number_to_string(123_456_789.0) lives}
lives_and( # TNV12
sub {
is( number_to_string(0.011_111_122_22), '0.011_111_122_22', q{TNV12 number_to_string(0.011_111_122_22) returns correct value} );
q{TNV12 number_to_string(0.011_111_122_22) lives}
lives_and( # TNV13
sub {
is( number_to_string(.011_111_122_22), '0.011_111_122_22', q{TNV13 number_to_string(.011_111_122_22) returns correct value} );
q{TNV13 number_to_string(.011_111_122_22) lives}
lives_and( # TNV14
sub {
is( number_to_string(-10.011_111_122_22), '-10.011_111_122_22', q{TNV14 number_to_string(-10.011_111_122_22) returns correct value} );
q{TNV14 number_to_string(-10.011_111_122_22) lives}
lives_and( # TNV15
sub {
is( number_to_string(-103.011_111_122_22), '-103.011_111_122_22', q{TNV15 number_to_string(-103.011_111_122_22) returns correct value} );
q{TNV15 number_to_string(-103.011_111_122_22) lives}
lives_and( # TNV20
sub {
delta_ok( number_typetest0(), ( 3.14285714285714 + $mode_id ),
q{TNV20 number_typetest0() returns correct value});
q{TNV20 number_typetest0() lives}
throws_ok( # TNV30
sub { number_typetest1() },
, # DEV NOTE: 2 different error messages, RPerl & C
q{TNV30 number_typetest1() throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TNV31
sub { number_typetest1(undef) },
q{TNV31 number_typetest1(undef) throws correct exception}
lives_and( # TNV32
sub {
is( number_typetest1(3), ( ( 3 * 2 ) + $mode_id ), q{TNV32 number_typetest1(3) returns correct value} );
q{TNV32 number_typetest1(3) lives}
lives_and( # TNV33
sub {
is( number_typetest1(-17), ( ( -17 * 2 ) + $mode_id ), q{TNV33 number_typetest1(-17) returns correct value} );
q{TNV33 number_typetest1(-17) lives}
lives_and( # TNV34
sub {
# is( number_typetest1(-17.3), ( ( -17.3 * 2 ) + $mode_id ), q{TNV34 number_typetest1(-17.3) returns correct value} );
delta_ok( number_typetest1(-17.3), ( ( -17.3 * 2 ) + $mode_id ), q{TNV34 number_typetest1(-17.3) returns correct value} );
q{TNV34 number_typetest1(-17.3) lives}
throws_ok( # TNV35
sub { number_typetest1('-17.3') },
q{TNV35 number_typetest1('-17.3') throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TNV36
sub { number_typetest1( [3] ) },
q{TNV36 number_typetest1([3]) throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TNV37
sub { number_typetest1( { a_key => 3 } ) },
q{TNV37 number_typetest1({a_key => 3}) throws correct exception}
lives_and( # TNV38
sub {
( ( 3.141_592_653_589_79 * 2 ) + $mode_id ),
q{TNV38 number_typetest1(3.141_592_653_589_793_238_462_643_383_279_502_884_197_169_399_375_105_820_974_944_592_307_816_406_286_208_998_628_034_825_342_117_067_9) returns correct value}
q{TNV38 number_typetest1(3.141_592_653_589_793_238_462_643_383_279_502_884_197_169_399_375_105_820_974_944_592_307_816_406_286_208_998_628_034_825_342_117_067_9) lives}
# [[[ STRING TESTS ]]]
# [[[ STRING TESTS ]]]
# [[[ STRING TESTS ]]]
throws_ok( # TPV00
sub { string_to_string() },
"/(EPV00.*$mode_tagline)|(Usage.*string_to_string)/", # DEV NOTE: 2 different error messages, RPerl & C
q{TPV00 string_to_string() throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TPV01
sub { string_to_string(undef) },
q{TPV01 string_to_string(undef) throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TPV02
sub { string_to_string(3) },
q{TPV02 string_to_string(3) throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TPV03
sub { string_to_string(-17) },
q{TPV03 string_to_string(-17) throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TPV04
sub { string_to_string(-17.3) },
q{TPV04 string_to_string(-17.3) throws correct exception}
lives_and( # TPV05
sub {
is( string_to_string('-17.3'), "'-17.3'", q{TPV05 string_to_string('-17.3') returns correct value} );
q{TPV05 string_to_string('-17.3') lives}
throws_ok( # TPV06
sub { string_to_string( [3] ) },
q{TPV06 string_to_string([3]) throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TPV07
sub { string_to_string( { a_key => 3 } ) },
q{TPV07 string_to_string({a_key => 3}) throws correct exception}
lives_and( # TPV08
sub {
is( string_to_string('Melange'), "'Melange'", q{TPV08 string_to_string('Melange') returns correct value} );
q{TPV08 string_to_string('Melange') lives}
lives_and( # TPV09
sub {
is( string_to_string("\nThe Spice Extends Life\nThe Spice Expands Consciousness\nThe Spice Is Vital To Space Travel\n"),
"'\nThe Spice Extends Life\nThe Spice Expands Consciousness\nThe Spice Is Vital To Space Travel\n'",
q{TPV09 string_to_string("\nThe Spice Extends Life\nThe Spice Expands Consciousness\nThe Spice Is Vital To Space Travel\n") returns correct value}
q{TPV09 string_to_string("\nThe Spice Extends Life\nThe Spice Expands Consciousness\nThe Spice Is Vital To Space Travel\n") lives}
lives_and( # TPV10
sub {
is( string_to_string(
'\'I am a single-quoted string, in a single-quoted string with back-slash control chars\', the first string said introspectively.'
'\'I am a single-quoted string, in a single-quoted string with back-slash control chars\', the first string said introspectively.'
q{TPV10 string_to_string('\'I am a single-quoted string...\', the first string said introspectively.') returns correct value}
q{TPV10 string_to_string('\'I am a single-quoted string...\', the first string said introspectively.') lives}
lives_and( # TPV11
sub {
is( string_to_string('"I am a double-quoted string, in a single-quoted string with no back-slash chars", the second string observed.'),
string_dumperify('"I am a double-quoted string, in a single-quoted string with no back-slash chars", the second string observed.'),
q{TPV11 string_to_string('"I am a double-quoted string...", the second string observed.') returns correct value}
q{TPV11 string_to_string('"I am a double-quoted string...", the second string observed.') lives}
lives_and( # TPV12
sub {
is( string_to_string("'I am a single-quoted string, in a double-quoted string with no back-slash chars', the third string added."),
string_dumperify("'I am a single-quoted string, in a double-quoted string with no back-slash chars', the third string added."),
q{TPV12 string_to_string("'I am a single-quoted string...', the third string added.") returns correct value}
q{TPV12 string_to_string("'I am a single-quoted string...', the third string added.") lives}
lives_and( # TPV13
sub {
is( string_to_string("\"I am a double-quoted string, in a double-quoted string with back-slash control chars\", the fourth string offered."),
string_dumperify("\"I am a double-quoted string, in a double-quoted string with back-slash control chars\", the fourth string offered."),
q{TPV13 string_to_string("\"I am a double-quoted string...\", the fourth string offered.") returns correct value}
q{TPV13 string_to_string("\"I am a double-quoted string...\", the fourth string offered.") lives}
lives_and( # TPV14
sub {
is( string_to_string(
'\'I am a single-quoted string, in a single-quoted string with back-slash control and \ display \ chars\', the fifth string shouted.'
'\'I am a single-quoted string, in a single-quoted string with back-slash control and \ display \ chars\', the fifth string shouted.'
q{TPV14 string_to_string('\'I am a single-quoted string... and \ display \ chars\', the fifth string shouted.') returns correct value}
q{TPV14 string_to_string('\'I am a single-quoted string... and \ display \ chars\', the fifth string shouted.') lives}
lives_and( # TPV15
sub {
is( string_to_string('"I am a double-quoted string, in a single-quoted string with back-slash \ display \ chars", the sixth string hollered.'),
string_dumperify('"I am a double-quoted string, in a single-quoted string with back-slash \ display \ chars", the sixth string hollered.'),
q{TPV15 string_to_string('"I am a double-quoted string... \ display \ chars", the sixth string hollered.') returns correct value}
q{TPV15 string_to_string('"I am a double-quoted string... \ display \ chars", the sixth string hollered.') lives}
lives_and( # TPV16
sub {
is( string_to_string("'I am a single-quoted string, in a double-quoted string with back-slash \\ display \\ chars', the seventh string yelled."),
string_dumperify("'I am a single-quoted string, in a double-quoted string with back-slash \\ display \\ chars', the seventh string yelled."),
q{TPV16 string_to_string("'I am a single-quoted string... \\ display \\ chars', the seventh string yelled.") returns correct value}
q{TPV16 string_to_string("'I am a single-quoted string... \\ display \\ chars', the seventh string yelled.") lives}
lives_and( # TPV17
sub {
is( string_to_string(
"\"I am a double-quoted string, in a double-quoted string with back-slash control and \\ display \\ chars\", the eighth string belted."
"\"I am a double-quoted string, in a double-quoted string with back-slash control and \\ display \\ chars\", the eighth string belted."
q{TPV17 string_to_string("\"I am a double-quoted string... and \\ display \\ chars\", the eighth string belted.") returns correct value}
q{TPV17 string_to_string("\"I am a double-quoted string... and \\ display \\ chars\", the eighth string belted.") lives}
lives_and( # TPV20
sub {
is( string_to_string(q{'I am a single-quoted string, in a single-quoted q{} string with no back-slash chars', the ninth string chimed in.}),
string_dumperify(q{'I am a single-quoted string, in a single-quoted q{} string with no back-slash chars', the ninth string chimed in.}),
q{TPV20 string_to_string(q{'I am a single-quoted string...', the ninth string chimed in.}) returns correct value}
q{TPV20 string_to_string(q{'I am a single-quoted string...', the ninth string chimed in.}) lives}
lives_and( # TPV21
sub {
is( string_to_string(q{"I am a double-quoted string, in a single-quoted q{} string with no back-slash chars", the tenth string opined.}),
string_dumperify(q{"I am a double-quoted string, in a single-quoted q{} string with no back-slash chars", the tenth string opined.}),
q{TPV21 string_to_string(q{"I am a double-quoted string...", the tenth string opined.}) returns correct value}
q{TPV21 string_to_string(q{"I am a double-quoted string...", the tenth string opined.}) lives}
lives_and( # TPV22
sub {
is( string_to_string(qq{'I am a single-quoted string, in a double-quoted qq{} string with no back-slash chars', the eleventh string asserted.}),
string_dumperify(qq{'I am a single-quoted string, in a double-quoted qq{} string with no back-slash chars', the eleventh string asserted.}),
q{TPV22 string_to_string(qq{'I am a single-quoted string...', the eleventh string asserted.}) returns correct value}
q{TPV22 string_to_string(qq{'I am a single-quoted string...', the eleventh string asserted.}) lives}
lives_and( # TPV23
sub {
is( string_to_string(qq{"I am a double-quoted string, in a double-quoted qq{} string with no back-slash chars", the twelfth string insisted.}),
string_dumperify(qq{"I am a double-quoted string, in a double-quoted qq{} string with no back-slash chars", the twelfth string insisted.}),
q{TPV23 string_to_string(qq{"I am a double-quoted string...", the twelfth string insisted.}) returns correct value}
q{TPV23 string_to_string(qq{"I am a double-quoted string...", the twelfth string insisted.}) lives}
lives_and( # TPV24
sub {
is( string_to_string(
q{'I am a single-quoted string, in a single-quoted q{} string with back-slash \ display \ chars', the thirteenth string whispered.}
q{'I am a single-quoted string, in a single-quoted q{} string with back-slash \ display \ chars', the thirteenth string whispered.}
q{TPV24 string_to_string(q{'I am a single-quoted string... \ display \ chars', the thirteenth string whispered.}) returns correct value}
q{TPV24 string_to_string(q{'I am a single-quoted string... \ display \ chars', the thirteenth string whispered.}) lives}
lives_and( # TPV25
sub {
is( string_to_string(
q{"I am a double-quoted string, in a single-quoted q{} string with back-slash \ display \ chars", the fourteenth string breathed.}
q{"I am a double-quoted string, in a single-quoted q{} string with back-slash \ display \ chars", the fourteenth string breathed.}
q{TPV25 string_to_string(q{"I am a double-quoted string... \ display \ chars", the fourteenth string breathed.}) returns correct value}
q{TPV25 string_to_string(q{"I am a double-quoted string... \ display \ chars", the fourteenth string breathed.}) lives}
lives_and( # TPV26
sub {
is( string_to_string(
qq{'I am a single-quoted string, in a double-quoted qq{} string with back-slash \\ display \\ chars', the fifteenth string mouthed.}
qq{'I am a single-quoted string, in a double-quoted qq{} string with back-slash \\ display \\ chars', the fifteenth string mouthed.}
q{TPV26 string_to_string(qq{'I am a single-quoted string... back-slash \\ display \\ chars', the fifteenth string mouthed.}) returns correct value}
q{TPV26 string_to_string(qq{'I am a single-quoted string... back-slash \\ display \\ chars', the fifteenth string mouthed.}) lives}
lives_and( # TPV27
sub {
is( string_to_string(
qq{"I am a double-quoted string, in a double-quoted qq{} string with back-slash \\ display \\ chars", the sixteenth string implied.}
qq{"I am a double-quoted string, in a double-quoted qq{} string with back-slash \\ display \\ chars", the sixteenth string implied.}
q{TPV27 string_to_string(qq{"I am a double-quoted string... back-slash \\ display \\ chars", the sixteenth string implied.}) returns correct value}
q{TPV27 string_to_string(qq{"I am a double-quoted string... back-slash \\ display \\ chars", the sixteenth string implied.}) lives}
lives_and( # TPV30
sub {
is( string_typetest0(), "Spice $mode_tagline", q{TPV30 string_typetest0() returns correct value} );
q{TPV30 string_typetest0() lives}
throws_ok( # TPV40
sub { string_typetest1() },
, # DEV NOTE: 2 different error messages, RPerl & C
q{TPV40 string_typetest1() throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TPV41
sub { string_typetest1(undef) },
q{TPV41 string_typetest1(undef) throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TPV42
sub { string_typetest1(3) },
q{TPV42 string_typetest1(3) throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TPV43
sub { string_typetest1(-17) },
q{TPV43 string_typetest1(-17) throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TPV44
sub { string_typetest1(-17.3) },
q{TPV44 string_typetest1(-17.3) throws correct exception}
lives_and( # TPV45
sub {
is( string_typetest1('-17.3'), "'-17.3' $mode_tagline", q{TPV45 string_typetest1('-17.3') returns correct value} );
q{TPV45 string_typetest1('-17.3') lives}
throws_ok( # TPV46
sub { string_typetest1( [3] ) },
q{TPV46 string_typetest1([3]) throws correct exception}
throws_ok( # TPV47
sub { string_typetest1( { a_key => 3 } ) },
q{TPV47 string_typetest1({a_key => 3}) throws correct exception}
lives_and( # TPV48
sub {
is( string_typetest1('Melange'), "'Melange' $mode_tagline", q{TPV48 string_typetest1('Melange') returns correct value} );
q{TPV48 string_typetest1('Melange') lives}
lives_and( # TPV49
sub {
is( string_typetest1("\nThe Spice Extends Life\nThe Spice Expands Consciousness\nThe Spice Is Vital To Space Travel\n"),
"'\nThe Spice Extends Life\nThe Spice Expands Consciousness\nThe Spice Is Vital To Space Travel\n' $mode_tagline",
q{TPV49 string_typetest1("\nThe Spice Extends Life\nThe Spice Expands Consciousness\nThe Spice Is Vital To Space Travel\n") returns correct value}
q{TPV49 string_typetest1("\nThe Spice Extends Life\nThe Spice Expands Consciousness\nThe Spice Is Vital To Space Travel\n") lives}