Revision history for RPi-GPIOExpander-MCP23017
1.02 2019-10-23
- merged PR from Mohammad S. Anwar that added a missed file in
- moved test run variables to BEGIN block
- updated pod-coverage testing
1.01 2019-10-19
- correct typo in variable assignment in POD's SYNOPSIS (closes #2)
- added extra check in all test files to ensure that an extra env var
(RPI_SUBMODULE_TESTING) is set, as we literally only want
RPi::WiringPi's test platform executing the entire test suite (work
on stevieb9/rpi-wiringpi#159)
1.00 2018-06-15
- added check in Makefile.PL for linux/i2c.h. CPAN Testers was breaking
on non-i2c-enabled systems
0.01 2018-06-07
- initial public release
- most core registers available
- ability to change a single pin, a pin bank, or all pins at once
- read(), write(), mode(), pullup() methods available for single pins,
a pin bank and all pins
- exposed register() and register_bits(), but these are more-or-less
hidden in documentation and we advise they shouldn't really be used;
they are a convenience for those who know how to understand IC
- 5000+ tests