The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

# This scripts reports a new RT::Client::REST bug to CPAN.
use strict;
my $rt = RT::Client::REST->new( server => '' );
my $dist = 'RT-Client-REST'; # This is the name of the queue.
my ( $username, $password );
print "RT Username: ";
chomp( $username = <> );
print "RT Password: ";
ReadMode 2;
chomp( $password = <> );
ReadMode 0;
$| = 1;
print "\nAuthenticating...";
try {
$rt->login( username => $username, password => $password );
catch {
die $_ unless blessed $_ && $_->can('rethrow');
if ( $_->isa('Exception::Class::Base') ) {
die ref($_), ": ", $_->message || $_->description, "\n";
print "\nShort description of the problem (one line):\n";
chomp( my $subject = <> );
print "Long description (lone period or Ctrl-D to end):\n";
my $description = '';
while (<>) {
last if '.' eq $_;
$description = $description . "\n" . $_;
my $ticket;
try {
$ticket = RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new(
rt => $rt,
subject => $subject,
queue => $dist,
$ticket->correspond( message => $description );
catch Exception::Class::Base with {
my $e = shift;
die ref($e), ": ", $e->message || $e->description, "\n";
print "Created ticket ", $ticket->id, " in queue ", $ticket->queue, "\n";