The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

# vim:ft=perl:
use strict;
use Test::More tests => 26;
use constant METHODS => (
'new', 'to_form', 'from_form', 'rt_type',
# attrubutes:
'id', 'creator_id', 'subject', 'created', 'message_id', 'parent_id',
'content_type', 'file_name', 'transaction_id', 'content', 'headers',
'parent', 'content_encoding',
for my $method (METHODS) {
can_ok( 'RT::Client::REST::Attachment', $method );
my $ticket;
lives_ok {
$ticket = RT::Client::REST::Attachment->new;
'Ticket can get successfully created';
for my $method (qw(store search count)) {
throws_ok {
'RT::Client::REST::Exception'; # make sure exception inheritance works
throws_ok {
"method '$method' should throw an exception";
ok( 'attachment' eq $ticket->rt_type );