# vim:ft=perl:
# This script tests whether submited data looks good

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;

use Try::Tiny;
use IO::Socket;
use RT::Client::REST;

# apply the same rule as for 80-timeout.t
plan( skip_all => "LWP::UserAgent 6.04 does not know how to time out, "
      . "see RT #81799" )
  if $LWP::UserAgent::VERSION eq '6.04';

my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new(
    Type   => SOCK_STREAM,
    Reuse  => 1,
    Listen => 10,
) or die "Could not set up TCP server: $@";

my $port = $server->sockport;

my $pid = fork;
die "cannot fork: $!" unless defined $pid;

if ( 0 == $pid ) {    # Child
    my $rt = RT::Client::REST->new(
        server => "$port",

        # This ensures that we die soon.  When the client dies, the
        # while (<$client>) above stops looping.
        timeout => 2,
    try {
                user => 'a',
                pass => 'b',
    catch {
        die $_ unless blessed $_ && $_->can('rethrow');
        if ( $_->isa('RT::Client::REST::RequestTimedOutException') ) {

            # This is what we expect, so we ignore this exception
        else {
    exit 0;

plan tests => 3;
my $buf;
my $client = $server->accept;
my $data;
while (<$client>) {
    $data .= $_;
unlike( $data, qr/ARRAY\(/, "Avoid stringify objects when sending a request" );
    skip "Self-tests only for release testing", 2
      unless $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING};
    my $kid = waitpid $pid, 0;
    is( $kid, $pid, "self-test: we reaped process correctly" );
    is( $?,   0,    "self-test: child process ran successfully" );