0.02 2017-09-28
  - for interactive display on tickets, highlight the status that user
    clicked which opened a menu
  - add way to resize circle decorations
  - polish inspector UI
  - hide approvals and reminders options for non-ticket lifecycles
  - add more localization tags
  - stop picking random colors for new statuses
  - animate new status nodes and decorations into the scene
  - improve animations around transitions by drawing them from status to status
  - change the permission entry field from textbox to combobox
  - avoid rendering issues dragging status nodes over top of eachother
  - avoid rendering issues with transitions being drawn inside status circles
  - add new option for selecting whether user can pan and zoom on ticket
  - add new option for selecting the initial center point on ticket display:
    origin, current status, or zoom to fit
  - hide canvas border on ticket display when sensible
  - make add/select controls available when any node is selected
  - disable, don't hide, undo/redo buttons that are unavailable

0.01 2017-09-08
  - initial release