Revision history for RT-Extension-ManageAutoCreatedUsers

0.12     2015-03-05
 - Packaging fixes

0.11     2015-02-26
 - Meta changes

0.10     2014-12-19
 - Doc Changes
 - RTx() implies both all_from and readme_from

0.09     2014-08-28
 - Parametrize the number of rows
 - Fix POSTing for when CSRF token is involved

0.08     2014-07-09
 - No code changes. Using new requires_rt_plugin helper.

0.07     2014-06-09
 - No code changes. Fixed dist release.

0.06     2014-06-05
 - Fix Merge/Replace placeholder promotion

0.05     2014-05-24
 - No code changes. Fixed dist release.

0.04     2014-05-20
 - Do not index RT::User

0.03     2014-05-19
 - Typo (PR #1)

0.02     2014-05-07
 - Implement shred action
 - Auto-promote merge-into input placeholder to value
 - Display messages (error or success) on POST

0.01     2014-03-28
 - Initial version