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use Test::Most 0.22;
use RedisDB;
subtest 'incompatible combination of options' => sub {
dies_ok {
RedisDB->new( lazy => 1, url => 'redis://localhost',
host => 'localhost' );
} "Dies on url + host";
dies_ok {
RedisDB->new( lazy => 1, url => 'redis://localhost',
port => 6379 );
} "Dies on url + port";
dies_ok {
RedisDB->new( lazy => 1, url => 'redis://localhost',
path => '/tmp/redis.sock' );
} "Dies on url + path";
subtest 'TCP URLs - using the userinfo and path' => sub {
my $redis = RedisDB->new( lazy => 1,
is $redis->{host}, "redis.example.com", "host is correct";
is $redis->{port}, 1234, "port is correct";
is $redis->{path}, undef, "path is correct";
is $redis->{database}, 5, "database is correct";
is $redis->{password}, "testpassword", "password is correct";
subtest 'TCP URLs - using query params' => sub {
my $redis = RedisDB->new( lazy => 1,
is $redis->{host}, "redis.example.com", "host is correct";
is $redis->{port}, 1234, "port is correct";
is $redis->{path}, undef, "path is correct";
is $redis->{database}, 5, "database is correct";
is $redis->{password}, "testpassword", "password is correct";
subtest 'TCP URLs - defaults' => sub {
my $redis = RedisDB->new( lazy => 1,
url => 'redis://' );
is $redis->{host}, "localhost", "host is correct";
is $redis->{port}, 6379, "port is correct";
is $redis->{path}, undef, "path is correct";
is $redis->{database}, 0, "database is correct";
is $redis->{password}, undef, "password is correct";
subtest 'Unix domain socket URLs - using the userinfo and path' => sub {
my $redis = RedisDB->new( lazy => 1,
is $redis->{path}, '/tmp/test.sock', "path is correct";
is $redis->{database}, 0, "database is correct";
is $redis->{password}, "testpassword", "password is correct";
subtest 'Unix domain socket URLs - using query params' => sub {
my $redis = RedisDB->new( lazy => 1,
is $redis->{path}, '/tmp/test.sock', "path is correct";
is $redis->{database}, 5, "database is correct";
is $redis->{password}, "testpassword", "password is correct";
subtest 'Test::RedisDB' => sub {
my $server = Test::RedisDB->new;
plan( skip_all => "Can't start redis-server" ) unless $server;
my $redis = $server->redisdb_client;
my $id = time . ".$$";
$redis->set( "foo", $id );
my $url = $server->url;
ok $url, "got url";
my $redis2 = RedisDB->new( url => $url );
is $redis2->get("foo"), $id, "Connected to correct redis using the url";