#!/usr/bin/env perl use v5.12.5; use warnings; our $VERSION = '9999.99.99_99'; # VERSION use Test::More tests => 19; use Test::Warnings; use Rex::Commands; delete $ENV{REX_USER}; user("test"); is( Rex::Config->get_user, "test", "setting user" ); password("test"); is( Rex::Config->get_password, "test", "setting password" ); sudo_password("test"); is( Rex::Config->get_sudo_password, "test", "setting password" ); timeout(5); is( Rex::Config->get_timeout, 5, "setting timeout" ); max_connect_retries(5); is( Rex::Config->get_max_connect_fails, 5, "setting max connect retries" ); is( length( get_random( 5, 'a' .. 'z' ) ), 5, "get random string" ); public_key("/tmp/pub.key"); is( Rex::Config->get_public_key, "/tmp/pub.key", "set public key" ); private_key("/tmp/priv.key"); is( Rex::Config->get_private_key, "/tmp/priv.key", "set private key" ); pass_auth(); ok( Rex::Config->get_password_auth, "password auth" ); parallelism(5); is( Rex::Config->get_parallelism, 5, "set parallelism" ); parallelism(1); path( "/bin", "/sbin" ); is_deeply( [ Rex::Config->get_path ], [qw!/bin /sbin!], "set path" ); set( "foo", "bar" ); is( get("foo"), "bar", "set/get" ); my @ret = Rex::Commands::evaluate_hostname("test[01..04]"); is_deeply( \@ret, [qw/test01 test02 test03 test04/], "evaluate hostname" ); @ret = Rex::Commands::evaluate_hostname("test[01..04].rexify.org"); is_deeply( \@ret, [qw/test01.rexify.org test02.rexify.org test03.rexify.org test04.rexify.org/], "evaluate hostname / with domain" ); @ret = Rex::Commands::evaluate_hostname("test[1..4]"); is_deeply( \@ret, [qw/test1 test2 test3 test4/], "evaluate hostname without zeros" ); @ret = Rex::Commands::evaluate_hostname("test[1..4].rexify.org"); is_deeply( \@ret, [qw/test1.rexify.org test2.rexify.org test3.rexify.org test4.rexify.org/], "evaluate hostname with domainname / without zero" ); @ret = Rex::Commands::evaluate_hostname("10.5.9.[8..11]"); is_deeply( \@ret, [qw/], "evaluate ip" ); @ret = Rex::Commands::evaluate_hostname("[1..3].host.domain"); is_deeply( \@ret, [qw/1.host.domain 2.host.domain 3.host.domain/], "evaluate leading range" );