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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.12.5;
our $VERSION = '9999.99.99_99'; # VERSION
use Test::More tests => 8;
my $fs = Rex::Interface::Fs->create("Local");
ok( $fs, "created fs interface object" );
my @files = $fs->ls(".");
ok( grep { /^ChangeLog$/ } @files, "found ChangeLog" );
is( $fs->is_file("ChangeLog"), 1, "ChangeLog is a file" );
is( $fs->is_dir("."), 1, ". is a directory" );
is( $fs->is_dir("foo"), 1, "mkdir" );
is( $fs->is_dir("foo"), undef, "rmdir" );
is( $fs->stat("some_file_that_does_not_exist"),
undef, "stat should return undef for non-existent files" );