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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.12.5;
our $VERSION = '9999.99.99_99'; # VERSION
use Test::More tests => 17;
my $ok = 0;
my $ipv4 = "";
my $ipv4_port = "";
my $ipv4_port_s = "";
my $ipv6 = "fe80::a00:27ff:fe36:9377";
my $ipv6_port = "fe80::a00:27ff:fe36:9377/3333";
my $hostname = "blah01";
my $hostname_port = "blah01:4444";
my $hostname_port_s = "blah01/4444";
my ( $s, $p );
( $s, $p ) = Rex::Helper::IP::get_server_and_port($ipv4);
is( $s, "", "got v4 ip" );
is( $p, undef, "got no port from v4 ip" );
( $s, $p ) = ( undef, undef );
( $s, $p ) = Rex::Helper::IP::get_server_and_port($ipv4_port);
is( $s, "", "got v4 ip with port" );
is( $p, 2222, "got port from v4 ip with colon" );
( $s, $p ) = ( undef, undef );
( $s, $p ) = Rex::Helper::IP::get_server_and_port($ipv4_port_s);
is( $s, "", "got v4 ip with port with slash" );
is( $p, 2222, "got port from v4 ip with slash" );
( $s, $p ) = ( undef, undef );
( $s, $p ) = Rex::Helper::IP::get_server_and_port($ipv6);
is( $s, "fe80::a00:27ff:fe36:9377", "got v6 ip" );
is( $p, undef, "got no port from v6 ip" );
( $s, $p ) = ( undef, undef );
( $s, $p ) = Rex::Helper::IP::get_server_and_port($ipv6_port);
is( $s, "fe80::a00:27ff:fe36:9377", "got v6 ip with port" );
is( $p, 3333, "got port from v6 ip with colon" );
( $s, $p ) = Rex::Helper::IP::get_server_and_port($hostname);
is( $s, "blah01", "got hostname" );
is( $p, undef, "got no port from hostname" );
( $s, $p ) = ( undef, undef );
( $s, $p ) = Rex::Helper::IP::get_server_and_port($hostname_port);
is( $s, "blah01", "got host with port" );
is( $p, 4444, "got port from hostname with colon" );
( $s, $p ) = ( undef, undef );
( $s, $p ) = Rex::Helper::IP::get_server_and_port($hostname_port_s);
is( $s, "blah01", "got host with port with slash" );
is( $p, 4444, "got port from host with slash" );