#!/usr/bin/env perl use v5.12.5; use warnings; our $VERSION = '9999.99.99_99'; # VERSION use Test::More tests => 7; use Test::Warnings qw(:no_end_test had_no_warnings); use Rex::Args; use Rex::RunList; use Rex::Commands; use Rex::CLI; use Rex::Transaction; BEGIN { use Rex::Shared::Var; share qw(%opt_t1 %opt_t2 %opt_t3); } $::QUIET = 1; $::rexfile = "noop"; task task1 => sub { }; task task2 => sub { }; task task3 => sub { }; before task1 => sub { %opt_t1 = Rex::Args->get; }; before task2 => sub { %opt_t2 = Rex::Args->get; }; before task3 => sub { %opt_t3 = Rex::Args->get; }; @ARGV = qw(task1 task2 task3 --name=thename --num=5 --hey=what); my $run_list = Rex::RunList->instance; $run_list->parse_opts(@ARGV); $run_list->run_tasks; is_deeply( { name => "thename", task2 => 1, num => 5, task1 => 1, hey => "what", task3 => 1, }, \%opt_t1, "got task1 parameter with pre 1.4 compatibility" ); is_deeply( { name => "thename", task2 => 1, num => 5, task1 => 1, hey => "what", task3 => 1, }, \%opt_t2, "got task2 parameter with pre 1.4 compatibility" ); is_deeply( { name => "thename", task2 => 1, num => 5, task1 => 1, hey => "what", task3 => 1, }, \%opt_t3, "got task3 parameter with pre 1.4 compatibility" ); Rex::Config->set_task_chaining_cmdline_args(1); @ARGV = qw(task1 arg1 arg2 --name=thename --num=5 task2 arg task3 --hey=what); $run_list = Rex::RunList->instance; $run_list->parse_opts(@ARGV); $run_list->run_tasks; is_deeply( { name => "thename", num => 5, }, \%opt_t1, "got task1 parameter with 1.4 compatibility" ); is_deeply( {}, \%opt_t2, "got task2 parameter with 1.4 compatibility" ); is_deeply( { hey => "what", }, \%opt_t3, "got task3 parameter with 1.4 compatibility" ); had_no_warnings();