Revision history for SMS-Send-Twilio
0.20 2017-08-17
- Use `/Messages` resource URI instead of deprecated `SMS/Messages.json`
so you can send messages up to 1600 characters in length.
Thanks to Julián Esteves (jesteves @ github) for the tip.
- Minimum Perl version to 5.10.1, following WWW::Twilio::API.
0.18 2015-08-06
- Die if sending the SMS message is unsuccesful, as stated in
SMS::Send docs. Try to include a helpful error message.
Previously the call did not die but simply did not return.
Fixes issue #2 raised by GoodMirek.
0.17 2015-03-10
- Added !#include_default to MANIFEST.SKIP because of RT102636.
- Added POD tests.
0.16 2015-03-05
- Corrected MANIFEST, added test for that.
0.15 2015-01-13
- No more Dist::Zilla.
- More tests.
- Use croak instead of die.
0.14 2013-06-07 03:21:08 EDT
- Corrected POD, fixes Github issue #1 (rpnoble).
0.12 2013-06-03 11:36:20 EDT
- Fixed author email address.
0.11 2013-05-26 08:47:31 EDT
- Added dependency on 'parent' module for perls < 5.10.1.
0.10 2013-05-22 15:40:06 EDT
- Initial release