0.024 2025-03-10
[New Features]
* Add File::Temp#new method.
* Add DIR, TMPDIR, TEMPLATE, CLEANUP options to File::Temp#newdir method.
[Bug Fix]
* Fix many bugs.
[Document Changes]
* Improve documents.
0.023 2025-01-24
[Requirement Changes]
* Require SPVM 0.990042.
[Test Improvement]
* Call Fn#destroy_runtime_permanent_vars method in the end of tests.
0.022 2023-12-25
[Prerequirement Changes]
* Require SPVM 0.989065.
* Require SPVM::Sys 0.513.
* SPVM::File::Path 0.011001
* SPVM::File::Spec 0.081003
* SPVM::IO 0.211002
[Document Improvement]
* Improve the doc of File::Temp::Dir.
* Improve the doc of File::Temp.
[Internal Changes]
* Remove using unused modules.
0.021 2023-05-23
[Prerequirement Changes]
* SPVM::Sys 0.481001 is required.
* SPVM 0.980 is required.
[License Change]
* The license is changed to MIT License.
[New Features]
* The version string can be got.
0.01 2023-02-21
* First release.