Revision history for Perl module SQL::Maker
1.22 2022-11-01T03:02:16Z
Cloned object make different SQL from the original. #51
1.21 2014-12-22T06:27:33Z
Official support for directly passing a SQL::QueryMaker object as $where parameter #42
1.20 2014-07-31T20:59:30Z
- DateTime is a testing deps
(Gelu Lupas)
1.19 2014-07-30T09:32:20Z
- Fix issue 38: update() and delete() cannot use SQL::QueryMaker
(Kazuho Oku)
1.18 2014-07-25T23:52:14Z
Handle `limit 0` correctly.
1.17 2014-06-16T05:24:23Z
- Treat objects that do not implement the `as_sql` method as bind parameters
This issue was introduced at 1.16 release.
(Kazuho Oku)
1.16 2014-06-02T06:41:19Z
- accept objects generated by SQL::QueryMaker, introduce strict mode that disallows the use of unblessed refs
(Kazuho Oku)
1.15 2014-04-02T13:12:56Z
- add index_hint option to select method
1.14 2014-03-04T23:39:17Z
- `{x => []}` generates `1=0`
- Add options for the DELETE ... USING statement.
(Gelu Lupas)
1.13 2014-02-10T04:29:18Z
- Documentation update(Gelu Lupas)
1.12 2013-06-25T04:25:24Z
- column alias can be specified by ArrayRef in SQL::Maker#select
- join condition accepts HashRef. eg. {'' => 'user_item.user_id'}
- switch to Minilla
- add document about \%opt for insert() method
(Toshio Ito)
- cares skip quoting asterisk after table. eg. 'foo.*' => '"foo".*'
1.11 2013-02-15T16:13:52
- Added SQL::Maker#where
1.10 2012-12-23
- SQL::Maker::Condition::compose_or now returns the SQL bracketed.
1.09 2012-12-11
- added SQL::Maker::Plugin::InsertOnDuplicate
1.08 2012-12-09
- added 'make_set_clause' method to core,
and SQL::Maker::Plugin::InsertMulti use it.
1.07 2012-09-24 03:51:15 UTC
- fix behavior for empty condition compose
1.06 2012-09-16 04:30:50 UTC
- In SQL::Maker::Select
- Add "add_where_raw" method. (issm)
- In SQL::Maker::Condition
- Add "add_raw" method. (issm)
1.05 not released
- support group_by at SQL::Maker->select
1.04 not released
- support $where as SQL::Maker::Condition at select,
update and delete(nihen)
- support joins at select
1.03 2011-10-31
- support INSERT statement without parameters on SQLite3.
(requested by forwardever++)
1.02 2011-09-22
- doc fix(reported by xaicron++)
1.01 2011-09-04
- support this form:
['created_on' => { '>', \'DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)' }]
1.00 2011-06-29
- remove alpha tag.
0.14 2011-04-23
- Type check for clear error messages(gfx)
- fixed testing issue on t/10_subquery.t(reported by gfx++)
0.13 2011-04-23
[In SQL::Maker]
- Allow 'INSERT IGNORE' by $opts->{prefix} params at insert() method
- Accept key-value as array at insert() method (zigorou)
- Accept value using subquery at insert(), update() method (zigorou)
- Allow table alias at select() method (zigorou)
[In SQL::Maker::Plugin::InsertMulti]
- Accept values as arrayref at insert_multi() (zigorou)
- Allow 'INSERT IGNORE' by $opts->{prefix} params at insert_multi()
- Allow literal and subquery in values at insert_multi() (zigorou)
- Supports 'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE' syntax on mysql driver
at insert_multi() (zigorou)
[In SQL::Maker::Select]
- Allow no conditional join (zigorou)
0.12 2011-02-17
- SQL::Maker::Plugin::InsertMulti before 0.12 have a critical issue.
I highly recommend version up to 0.12+,
if you are using SQL::Maker::Plugin::InsertMulti.
- FIX: SQL::Maker::Plugin::InsertMulti doesn't works correctly.
- doc fix on SQL::Maker::Plugin::InsertMulti
0.11 2011-02-15
- added SQL::Maker#new_condition method(nekokak)
0.10 2011-01-14
- support union, intersect, except(makamaka)
0.09 2011-01-10
- allow SELECT object and alias to add_join(makamaka)
0.08 2011-01-09
- doc enhancements(tokuhirom)
- support $builder->select(order_by => {foo => 'DESC'}) form for skinny
0.07 2011-01-09
- allow subquery in from clause(makamaka)
0.06 2011-01-07
- allow hashref in new_select() method
0.05 2011-01-06
- doc fix(lestrrat)
0.04 2011-01-03
- add space each comma on using IN statement(zigorou)
0.03 2010-12-28
- 60ded52 (HEAD, zigorou/master, origin/master, master)
remove last new_line on as_sql(), add tests for different new args
- 1d54a09 add new_line opts to SQL::Maker, SQL::Maker::Select
- 0b84cd7 change the quote_char detection logic.
0.02 2010-12-12
- added new method 'new_select'.
- pod fix
0.01 2010-12-08
- original version