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Revision history for Selenium-Client
2.01 2024-08-13 TEODESIAN
- Fixes a number of bugs with Selenium::Client::Driver & improves its documentation.
2.00 2024-02-05 TEODESIAN
- Add a drop-in replacement for Selenium::Remote::Driver called Selenium::Client::Driver.
1.06 2023-09-19 TEODESIAN
- Hardcode the spec inside of Selenium::Specification's __DATA__ to idiot-proof this in preparation for use by S::R::D
1.05 2021-07-16 TEODESIAN
- Handle UTF-8 content correctly
- Automatically normalize data returned by the selenium server, and add normalize parameter to constructor
- Add advice on proper UTF-8 handling in callers
- Allow turning off fatality in the driver
1.04 2021-04-12 TEODESIAN
- Don't clobber $? in destructor
- Use Playwright.pm's more clever DESTROY code
1.03 2021-04-01 TEODESIAN
- Fix issue where child elements found with FindElementFromElement() (and FindElementsFromElement) would use the parent element ID rather than their own
- Expose the elementid parameter in Selenium::Element objects immediately after instantiation
- Note that SwitchToFrame does not actually work with element IDs as suggested by WC3 standard
1.02 2021-02-10 TEODESIAN
- Declare minimum version of perl 5.28
1.01 2021-02-09 TEODESIAN
- Fix issue with spawning Selenium JARs on Win32
- Fix issue with setting up needed folders in homedir (Thanks to Manni Heumann)
- Add convenience apparatus for building caps & sane defaults (headless=1)
1.00 2021-02-04 TEODESIAN
- Initial release