Revision history for StreamFinder

1.00    Date/time
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
1.01    2018/08/10
        - Fixed issue with some Facebook videos on Youtube.
        - Removed Tunein as a valid site (can no longer extract streams).
1.02    2019/01/31
        - Make StreamFinder::Youtube the default and handle pretty much 
        anything youtube-dl handles, ie. brighteon, vimeo, etc.
1.03    2019/08/15
        - Fix StreamFinder::Reciva now failing to connect to server 
        (added wget as fallthrough as LWP::UserAgent and curl fail with 
        unsupported SSL protocol errors).
        - Fix StreamFinder.IHeartRadio now failing to grab images / icons.
        - Strip off "?autoplay=true" from StreamFinder::Youtube urls.
        - Minor doc fixes.
        - Make debug option work for all stream types, and allow specifying 
        as either "debug", "-debug", "debug => 1", or "-debug => 1" in 
        parameter list for new()
        (ie. my $station = new StreamFinder($url, -debug => 1);
        - Better handle ".m3u8" streams returned by (Youtube).
1.05    2019/09/03
        - Add StreamFinder::BannedVideo ( to handle 
        their video streams (which youtube-dl doesn't currently handle).
1.10    2019/09/07
        - Add user-configuration files (~/.config/StreamFinder/config, 
        ~/.config/StreamFinder/<submodule>/config (see docs).
        User can now specify / override most LWP::UserAgent options, ie. 
        "agent", "timeout", etc. in the new configuration files.
        User must create these files, if needed with a text editor.
        - Greatly reduce falling back to wget by adding default user-agent 
        and checking for wget availability.  Specify an "agent" => "your agent" 
        line in the user-configuration file to change.
        - Add "-random" and "-noplaylists" options to $station->getURL() 
        (see docs)
        - StreamFinder::BannedVideo:  Add "-keep" option to better control 
        type and order of streams returned (see docs).
        - StreamFinder::Facebook: Depreciated ~/.config/.fbdata for new 
        user-configuration files.
        - StreamFinder::IHeartRadio: Add podcast-playing capability.
        - StreamFinder::IHeartRadio: Depreciated old stream order options, 
        replacing them with new -keep and -skip arguments and configuration 
        file entries.
        - StreamFinder::RadioNet: ( ADDED
        - StreamFinder::Tunein: RESTORED (now uses StreamFinder::Youtube for 
        stream fetching), but adds metadata loading (which youtube-dl does 
        not currently fetch for these streams.
        - StreamFinder::Youtube: Better handle "chunky" 
        .m3u8 video streams.  Also add "-notitle" option, streamlining 
        use by StreamFinder::Tunein (see docs).
1.11    2019/09/07
        - StreamFinder::Youtube: bugfix for m3u8 video URLs.
        - Docs: fix a cpl. typos, actually include the updated README file.
1.12    2019/09/10
        - StreamFinder::Tunein: Add podcast-playing capability.  
        (Will look for "playUrl" before falling back to youtube-dl for stream).
        - StreamFinder::Reciva: Fix to make LWP::Useragent fetch reciva URLs 
        using the ANCIENT TLSv1 to allow to work without falling back to wget.
        See the StreamFinder::Reciva docs for creating a one-line custom 
        config file to do this - I didn't make it the default since they could 
        FIX this at ANY time, which would break things!
        - Add URI::Escape and HTML::Entities as DEPENDENCIES - in order to 
        ensure that the returned stream titles are un-escaped.
        - Fix $station->getID('fcc') to work properly (return the station's 
        FCC call-letters for sights and stations that support it.
        - Set $station->{artist} and $station->{year} where applicable.
        - Minor doc updates.
        - Fix some sight-specific submodules to properly accept just a station 
        / video ID rather than a full URL (see docs).
        - Add "desc" option go getTitle() to fetch station's (long) description 
        (for sites that provide that field), otherwise, the title is returned.
1.13    2019/09/11
        - Fix missing (recently-added) file ( in MANIFEST file.
        - More doc. fixes, mostly to the individual submodules.
1.20    2019/09/16
        - Removed usage and all references to WWW::Youtube::Download - 
        This module no longer fetches the "author" (Youtube user) nor does 
        anything else we can't more easily do manually.
        - StreamFinder::Apple: ( ADDED!
        - StreamFinder::Brighteon: ( ADDED (split off from 
        - StreamFinder::Vimeo: ( ADDED (split off from 
        We separated these for better support - ie. ability to get the "author" 
        fields and access some additional streams.  We also can often avoid 
        having to call youtube-dl.
        - StreamFinder::Youtube: Removed "notitle" option, added "fast" option, 
        and add "description" field fetch to youtube-dl.  Fixed url-fetching 
        order to call youtube-dl FIRST to prevent infinite stall if called 
        with an already-valid stream-url (Fauxdacious mediaplayer).
        StreamFinder::IHeartRadio - Fix sometimes-corrupted ID field.
        StreamFinder::Reciva - Fix failure to always capture ID field if 
        given wrongly-formatted full url.
        - Add $station->{'genre'} field to IHeartRadio, RadioNet, Reciva, and 
        Tunein (the sites that support it).
        - Various small code and doc. tweaks / cleanups.
        - DEBUG was accidently left set to ON, now turned OFF by default!
1.21    2019/09/18
        - Significant documentation improvements & polishing.
        - StreamFinder::BannedVideo: Fix incorrect IDs returned.
        - StreamFinder::Tunein: (new()) - Fix mishandled URL if only 
        station-ID specified (non-full URL).
        - StreamFinder::Apple: (new()) - Handle if only podcast-ID specified.
1.22    2019/10/07
        - Minor bugfixes, namely handling double-quotes in titles in 
        some submodules.
        - Minor doc. improvements.
1.23    2019/11/02
        - StreamFinder::BannedVideo: Fix to handle change in their site - 
        to execute extra step now needed for videos and make 
        the retrieved mp4 stream the "best" stream.
1.24    2019/11/06
        - StreamFinder::Youtube: Eliminate express page scan for metadata for 
        non-Youtube sites processed to prevent ocassional infinite loop caused 
        by attempting to scan a media stream instead of a website.
        - Unescape HTML entities in the Genre string in Reciva & Tunein.
        - Minor doc. improvements.
1.25    2019/11/08
        - StreamFinder::Brighteon: Fix another site-change that caused blank 
        titles to be returned, and broaden title and description searching 
1.26    2019/11/19
        - Correctly handle "HOME" directory in M#-Windows.
        - StreamFinder::IHeartRadio - Handle non-US site URLs.  Change default 
        "keep" priority to "secure_shoutcast, shoutcast, secure, any" for 
        easier use by Fauxdacious.
1.27    2020/04/23
        - Added StreamFinder::Spreaker for 
        - Minor doc. improvements.
1.28    2020/04/25
        - Fix failure to include StreamFinder::Spreaker in MANIFEST and 
        to update change log.
1.29    2020/07/02
        - Split out video's channel page (that was previously appended onto 
        the "artist" field) into a new, separate "albumartist" field.  This 
        affects the video sites:  Brighteon, Vimeo, and Youtube.
        (Old way was:  artist:="Artist - Artist's video channel URL").  These 
        are now put into separate fields.
        - Fix .pls playlists returned by some Tunein stations by stripping off 
        some garbage Tunein appends in the format:  
        "stream.pls?DIST=TuneIn&TGT=TuneIn&maxServers=..." and more accurately 
        obtain title, artist, and album fields for stations vs podcasts.
        - Fix issue causing some vimeo videos to fail to fetch stream.
        - Clean up some "dirty" Spreaker titles (convert invalid characters).
        - Marked StreamFinder::Radionomy depreciated - site appears defunct.
1.30    2020/07/05
        - Add "-nopls" option to getURL() to parse ".pls" playlists and 
        return only a single entry, like "-noplaylists", but pass others 
        (".m3u" and ".m3u8") through unchanged.  This needed because most 
        ".m3u*" are playable "HLS" streams, whereas ".pls" playlists are 
        actually playlists and many players will not play them as-is.
        - StreamFinder::RadioNet: Fix issue with no streams being fetched for 
        some stations & clean up titles a bit.
        - StreamFinder::IHeartRadio: Add year to podcasts, fix some title 
        and description issues.
        - StreamFinder::Spreaker: Fix some streams not working, fix "-debug" 
        option to work.
1.31    2020/08/10
        - Add StreamFinder::Blogger ( for Blogger videos.
        - Add StreamFinder::Bitchute ( for Bitchute videos.
1.32    2020/10/16
        - Remove StreamFinder::BannedVideo as has become so 
        paranoid as to add sophisticated anti-bot/scraping detection that I 
        have been unable to figure out how to circumvent.
        NOTE/RANT:  They claim to be pro freedom / anti-big tech spying, etc. 
        but their site has become unusable without third-party / Google 
        javascripts, and other malware nasties we and our users are trying to 
        avoid for our own safety!  Most of their videos can now also be 
        found on Bitchute anyway!
        - StreamFinder::Youtube: Fix minor bug that sometimes returned no 
1.33    2020/11/01
        - StreamFinder::Apple: Fix some icon images not being downloaded.
        - Add StreamFinder::SermonAudio.
        - Remove depreciated StreamFinder::Radionomy (site now defunct).
1.34    2020/11/02
        - Add StreamFinder::Castbox ( podcasts)
        - StreamFinder::Spreaker: Enhance to accept podcast page URLs (like 
        other podcast-ish modules rather then just the bare widget.spreaker... 
        URLs.  These pages also have artist and albumartist fields!  Also, 
        properly return the total no. of streams found ($podcast->count()).
        - "internationalize" several sites (eliminate the ".com" from the 
        required matching regices (allow for ".eu", ".net", etc. to match").
1.35    2020/11/04
        - Fix regex glitch breaking the sites we "internationalized" in v1.34.
1.36    2020/11/16
        - StreamFinder::Apple: Return correct description for podcast episodes.
        - StreamFinder::Spreaker: Fix minor title and image issues.
        - StreamFinder::Youtube: (For now): convert to to get around seeming to block youtube-dl.
1.37    2020/11/25
        - Add StreamFinder::Rumble for videos on
        - StreamFinder::Castbox: Return full description for podcast episodes.
1.38    2021/01/01
        - StreamFinder::IHeartRadio: Handle streamless custom radio-station 
        urls, ie. "" (revealed by CPAN bug# 133982).  
        These reference the correct "live" url that contains the steams!  
        Also fix description, artist and albumartist fields failing to return 
        values for (some?) podcasts.
        - StreamFinder::Rumble: Strip the podcast ID field to just it's 
        unique ID.
        - StreamFinder::Reciva will likely be removed next release after 
        01/30/2021 due to that site's announcement to go offline after 
        that date!
1.40    2021/01/04
        - Add StreamFinder::Google for Google ( podcasts. 
        (closes CPAN feature# 133993).
1.41    2021/01/06
        - StreamFinder::Google, StreamFinder::Castbox, StreamFinder::Spreaker, 
        and StreamFinder::IHeartRadio:  Add ability to accept a podcast / 
        channel page without a specific episode and return the first (latest) 
        episode for that page.  NOTE:  StreamFinder::Apple already does this 
        but returns all episode streams in a list with the first episode the 
        first stream, but the metadata returned is for the Apple podcast page, 
        and left this way for backward compatability.
1.42    2021/04/11
        - StreamFinder::Rumble:  Fix failure to find any streams (Rumble 
        chgd. their html slightly), and Add "-keep" option to limit / order 
        the streams fetched (default:  mp4,webm,any) - see updated docs.
        - StreamFinder::Apple:  Remove (music samples no 
        longer scrapable? (Much more complicated and I never use it - you 
        only ever could get short sample clips - not full songs anyway!
        Also, misc. fixes/tweaks, also see last item below:
        - StreamFinder::Castbox:  Added Album field.
        - StreamFinder::Spreaker:  Fix failure to fetch anything (Spreaker 
        chgd. their html a bit!).  Also, added Album field, and additional 
        check for possible AlbumArtist url.
        - StreamFinder::Google:  Misc. fixes/tweaks, also see below:
        - Apple, Castbox, and Google:  Add ability to fetch the first (latest?) 
        podcast, and return all podcasts as an extended MP3 playlist 
        (new "-playlist" option to the $station->get() function) - for podcast 
        author's main page urls.
1.43    2021/04/11
        - StreamFinder::Rumble:  Fix doc glitch in SYNOPSIS section specifying 
        the "-keep" option as a hash reference (must actually be an array 
        reference, causing user to not get any streams if using the SYNOPSIS 
        example as a program.  Also fixed this in StreamFinder::IHeartRadio!
        - StreamFinder::Spreaker:  Fix failure to fetch icon image for some 
1.44    2021/04/19
        - StreamFinder::Rumble:  If only a podcast "ID" is given, check to see 
        if it's either the long ID for the html page or the short one used for 
        the embed page and append the appropriate url (prev. only the long 
        html page ID string was supported.  Either way, the correct Rumble ID 
        will be returned.
        - Add some default values for "genre", such as "Podcast" for Spreaker, 
        Castbox, Apple, and "Video" for Youtube, Vimeo, Brighteon and Bitchute.
        - Initialize some variables that should be.
        - StreamFinder::Apple:  Better checks for album, genre and year.
        - Misc. doc-fixes all over.
1.45    2021/05/04
        - Add StreamFinder::Anystream - as a "fall-back" module to search any 
        specified webpage URL for streams (streams are matched by searching 
        for URLs matching specific known stream types, ie. ".mp3", ".ogg", etc. 
        (The default "-keep" list is: "mp3,ogg,flac,mp4,m4a,mpd,m3u8,m3u,pls").
        - Added StreamFinder option "-omit" to specify submodules that you 
        have installed to NOT be used, ie. -omit => "Anystream,Youtube".
1.46    2021/05/05
        - Oops - add StreamFinder::Anystream to MANIFEST.
        - Add & document new -secure option (all) to allow user to limit 
        streams returned to (secure) https streems.
        - Minor doc. cleanups.
1.47    2021/05/10
        - Fix potential infinite loop if unrecognized option arg. passed in.
        - StreamFinder::Youtube - Add fallback ability to check html page for 
        embedded iframe containing a valid StreamFinder page, and new option: 
        "-noiframes" to not do this (if set to 1/true).
1.48    2021/05/19
        - StreamFinder::Youtube, StreamFinder::Anystream - Only look for 
        streams in actual HTML pages, NOT media URLs - to prevent potentially 
        very long or even infinite delay trying to fetch the URL.
        - StreamFinder::Spreaker - Unescape artist and album fields, remove 
        some extraineous debug output.
1.50    2021/05/22
        - Refactor all modules to combine all common methods into a separate 
        internal module:  StreamFinder::_Class (new) to greatly simplify and 
        eliminate redundant code.  This should make creating new site modules 
        much simpler (now most if not all functions other than "new()" should 
        not be required in site modules unless it's necessary to override)!  
        This better follows proper object-oriented programming standards.
        - StreamFinder::Tunein - Add "-notrim" option to NOT trim extra "ad", 
        misc. stuff from stream URLs (previously, and by default URLs are 
        "trimmed" removing this stuff (after and including the first "?").
        - StreamFinder::Tunein, StreamFinder::IHeartRadio - Attempt to grab 
        full description of podcasts (may include HTML, ie. links).
        - Misc. minor code cleanups found while converting.
        - StreamFinder::Anystream - Fix bug that mangled some streams returned. 
        Also make sure URLs returned containing "\/"s are unescaped to "/"s.
1.51    2021/07/01
        - Add "-log" and "-logfmt" options to append a line to a specified 
        log file for each successful stream-url fetch (see docs).
        - Fix bug that caused config file arguments with unescaped Perl regex 
        characters in their values to be ignored.
        - StreamFinder::Rumble - Fix bug that caused description to be cut 
        - StreamFinder::Spreaker - Handle their multiple URLs, and also fetch 
        video streams.
        - StreamFinder::SermonAudio - Handle additional "alternate" URLs as 
        well as video streams they can contain.  Also try harder to find icon.
1.60    2021/10/02
        - Add 'artist' option to getIconURL() and getIconData() functions, 
        (Currently only Apple, Brighteon, and Youtube) to return the "channel" 
        (AlbumArtist) icon instead of the individual podcast icon.  We may add 
        this to more of the other sites later, but this will likely require an 
        additional, separate fetch of the channel page.
        - Small doc. touchups.
1.61    2021/10/03
        - Add 'artist' icon option (see v1.60 changes) to StreamFinder::Rumble, 
        StreamFinder::Castbox, StreamFinder::Spreaker and StreamFinder::Vimeo.
1.62    2021/10/08
        - Fix getImageData() returning icon instead of image if wget used to 
        - getImageUrl() and getImageData() can now also accept the 'artist' 
        argument and return a separate artist / channel image, if one larger / 
        different from the corresponding icon exists.  Currenty, only 
        StreamFinder::Odysee provides these.
        - Add StreamFinder::Odysee to handle videos 
        (requires youtube-dl).
1.63    2021/10/27 - NOT RELEASED -
        *** Youtube seems to now throttle video download/playback making most 
        videos virtually unplayable through third-party players, ie. 
        youtube-dl.  The currently-suggested workaround is to use a forked 
        version called yt-dlp, which seems to have figured out a workaround!
        - Update the default -agent (browser user-agent version) string to: 
        "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0".
        - StreamFinder::Anystream:  Properly handle the base-url for relative 
        links, and add first word of url following the domain-name for the 
        "ID" to make it more unique.
        - StreamFinder::Youtube:  Add several new config options:
          -youtube-dl:  Allow specifying youtube-dl alternative program, such 
          as yt-dlp (See headline above).
          -format, -userid, -userpw (added to new() parameter list).
          -formatonly, -user-agent, -youtube-dl-args, -youtube-dl-add-args: 
          (See pod docs for descriptions and values).
          - Remove conversion of to (no longer seems 
          to be needed).
          - Misc code and doc. cleanups.
1.70    2021/10/28
        - Includes all changes made in unreleased v1.63 (rc) above.
        - Add ability to specify alternate location of config. files - via new 
        environment variable:  STREAMFINDER (see docs).
        - Refactor all youtube-dl calls to eliminate redundant code and make 
        use of StreamFinder::Youtube configurations (primarily to allow for 
        specifying alternate youtube-dl program) by forcing all youtube-dl 
        usage to go through StreamFinder::Youtube.  This change affects 
        StreamFinder::Bitchute, ::Blogger, ::Brighteon, ::Odysee, ::Tunein, 
        and ::Vimeo.  This also now allows configuring individual modules 
        to override the default Youtube module's youtube-dl parameters, of 
        which "-format" will likely be the most overridden.  This should be 
        done in module's config files, adding "-youtube" in front of them, 
        ie. "-youtube-format" for the above example.
        - StreamFinder::Odysee:  Add "-youtube" option similar to some other 
        video modules (values:  yes|no|first|last|only) to enable usage of 
        the Youtube link at the bottom of the description for (most) 
        Odysee videos instead of the embedded info in the Odysee page.
        - StreamFinder::_Class:  Fix bug handling option parameters,  
        particularly ones containing a dash between words.
        - StreamFinder::Blogger & ::Brighteon:  Change -youtube option 
        default from "yes" to "no" to match other modules using this option.
1.71    2021/10/30
        - StreamFinder::Youtube:  Add ability to scrape additional metadata 
        from Youtube pages referenced by initial non-Youtube page URLs via 
        youtube-dl & friends' "--get-id" option, if one is returned.
1.72    2021/11/03
        - StreamFinder::Youtube:  Fix bug that prevented access to some videos 
        (namely ones with non-alphanumeric characters in the youtube-id) 
        introduced in previous release.
        Also fix issue with failure to fetch Youtube metadata for Youtube 
        videos embedded in iframes in non-Youtube sites (also broke by v1.71).
        - Also add a -youtubeonly option to tell ::Youtube to NOT return 
        embedded or other videos found in non-Youtube pages.  
        Modified docs to more clearly explain this.
        - StreamFinder::IHeartRadio:  Add ability to return first (latest) 
        episode if only a podcast channel page (without episode) URL is used.
        Also add proper channel metadata (name, channel artist's icon) to 
        metadata returned for podcasts.
        - StreamFinder::IHeartRadio:  Fix Perl character-encoding issue.  Also 
        try harder to ensure podcast channel pages return the first (latest) 
        episode, instead of the oldest.
1.80    2021/11/10
        * This turned into a major release with many improvements to handling 
        podcasts, particularly metadata fetching and handling of podcast pages 
        and the multi-episode playlists they can return.
        - Refactor podcast modules to always return full metadata for the 
        first (latest) episode for podcast pages (as if they had been called 
        with the id/URL for the first episode itself - ie. the "description" 
        field, etc. often had that of the podcast page itself instead of that 
        of the first episode).  Also have the podcast modules always return 
        a full extended m3u playlist when $podcast->get('playlist') is called. 
        This affects StreamFinder::Apple, ::Castbox, ::Google, and ::Spreaker.
        - Also make "genre" and "year" fields work in all of the above, and 
        ensure the genre and album fields are included in the m3u playlist 
        (#EXTGENRE and #EXTALB lines) in all of the above.
        - Also reverse "artist" and "album" fields in all of the above:  I 
        was never sure which field was which for podcasts (as most appear 
        similar) but some actually used them for the artist(s)' names and 
        the podcast name, and we had them reversed.
        - Add new "playlist" option to the $podcast->count() function to 
        return the number of episodes in the playlist instead of the number 
        of streams returned (for the first episode) in all of the above.
        - StreamFinder::Apple - Make podcast pages work again (Apple changed 
        their code some) - episode pages were still working though.
        - StreamFinder::IHeartRadio (Podcasts), ::Tunein (Podcasts), and 
        ::SermonAudio (non-Sermon pages):  Add ability to accept podcast 
        pages and return the first (latest) episode when given a podcast page 
        URL: (IHeartRadio returned the oldest (last) one rather than latest 
        (first) due to their podcast pages sometimes having them listed in 
        reverse order.  Tunein did not return anything for a podcast page, 
        only for specific podcast episode pages).
1.81    2021/11/13
        - Added StreamFinder::Podbean ( podcasts)!
        - StreamFinder::Bitchute, ::Brighteon, ::Rumble, & ::Youtube - Add 
        ability to handle channel page URLs and return the first (latest) 
        video (the same feature we just added for all the podcast sites).  
        NOTE:  Not added to ::Odysee or ::Vimeo due to those sites requiring 
        JavaScript to obtain the video links.  
        - Also added scraping for genre (previously hardcoded to "Video") for 
        StreamFinder::Bitchute & StreamFinder::Youtube.
1.82    2021/11/21
        - StreamFinder::Rumble - Add -quality option to limit maximum video 
        quality (ie. 720 for 720p, 1080 for 1080p, etc. for users with limited 
        internet bandwidth.  Also fix very minor issue to ensure that non-
        classed streams (classed via extension) are rated in the same order as 
        specified in the -keep option (was previously always mp4, then webm 
        regardless of -keep order).
1.83    2022/04/28
        - Add StreamFinder::BrandNewTube ( videos)
1.84    2022/04/29
        - Add StreamFinder::PodcastAddict ( podcasts)
        - Improve module-selection speed/efficiency (only require in module 
        matching URL, instead of all modules).
1.85    2022/05/06
        - StreamFinder::PodcastAddict - Fix failure of some video URLs to play.
        - StreamFinder::SermonAudio - Fix failure to fetch some icons properly.
        - StreamFinder::SermonAudio - Add a "-quality" option to limit streams 
        returned to "audio", "low", "high", or "any" (default) - see docs.
        - StreamFinder::BrandNewTube - Several metadata-fetching improvements.
1.86    2022/05/09
        - StreamFinder::Podbean - Fix failure to fetch many current Podbean 
        URLs, namely ones that are not custom site-hosted by Podbean (ie. as opposed to 
        https://<channel>  This appears due to Podbean 
        possibly expanding the types of valid URLs at some point.
        - Update default user-agent to Firefox 99.
1.87    2022/06/07
        - StreamFinder::BrandNewTube - Add support for videos.
        Note:  User must specify full URLs.
1.88    2022/07/30
        - StreamFinder::PodcastAddict - Fix failure to capture "year" field.
        - StreamFinder::Rumble - Fix not capturing full video descriptions.
        - StreamFinder::Youtube - Add -formats_by_url => {hash} option to allow 
        specifying different video formats allowed based on URL matching.
1.90    2022/10/04
        - Add StreamFinder::SoundCloud ( songs)
        - StreamFinder::Bitchute - Fix not capturing full video descriptions,
        and fix failure to capture proper genre.
        - StreamFinder::Anystream - Handle extended M3U (HLS) playlist URLs.
1.91    2022/10/04
        - Add StreamFinder::SoundCloud to MANIFEST file.
1.92    2022/10/13
        - StreamFinder::Bitchute - Handle "embedded" Bitchute pages, ie.[id]
        - StreamFinder::BrandNewTube - Fix some sites not fetching 
        artist or albumartist.  NOTE:  May get renamed to StreamFinder::UGetube 
        in future, as it appears that seems to be withering.
        - StreamFinder::SoundCloud - Fix up documentation a bit.
1.93    2022/10/21
        - StreamFinder::Tunein - Use 
        JSON API instead of youtube-dl/yt-dlp to extract radio streams.
        (Removes dependency on youtube-dl)
2.00    2022/11/03
        - Add StreamFinder::InternetRadio ( stations)
        - Add StreamFinder::OnlineRadiobox ( stations)
        - StreamFinder::AnyStream - Add .aac streams to search.
        - StreamFinder::Tunein - Cpl. minor cleanups.
        - StreamFinder::Youtube - Accept urls containing "/c/" as channel urls.
2.01    2022/11/05
        - StreamFinder::OnlineRadiobox - Add -notrim option and fetch the 
        station's callsign, ie. the "fccid".
        - Misc. minor code & doc. cleanups and update some copyright years.
2.02    2022/11/10
        - Add -hls_bandwidth option to specify a numeric (BITS per second) 
        limit on HLS streams returned by getURL() when possible - useful for 
        users with limited bandwidth.
        - StreamFinder::Brighteon - Add ability to obtain the video's "year".
2.03    2023/02/24
        - Fix debug messages that were displaying without debugging turned on.
        - StreamFinder::Brighteon - Convert "embed" URLs to standard ones, so 
        that if passed an embed url, the proper stream data will be returned.
2.04    2023/02/28
        - Added StreamFinder::Rcast to fetch radio stations.
        - StreamFinder::BrandNewTube - Fix several issues with this rapidly-
        depreciating video site (more recent videos seem to be wrapped in 
        javascript and becoming unscrapable).  These fixes restore some fields 
        for which the site has changed the code.  Note:  This module also 
        handles videos, which seem to still work properly, and may 
        be renamed to StreamFinder::UGETube in the future if 
        support is eventually dropped.
        - StreamFinder::Odysee - Add new "-youtube=ifneeded" option to only 
        fetch Youtube streams if youtube-dl fails to find a valid Odysee stream.
        Also add a new option "-nohls" to ignore HLS (.m3u/.m3u8).
        StreamFinder class - Fix undefined variable warning when attempting to 
        fetch a stream URL when there are no streams matching restricted 
        criteria, even if a valid StreamFinder object was returned.
2.10    2023/03/02
        - Added StreamFinder::Goodpods to fetch podcasts.
        - StreamFinder::SermonAudio - Add "-speakericon" to reverse the two 
        artist/channel images - SermonAudio usually provides 2 separate artist/
        channel images (one for the church/channel, and one a portrait of the 
        preacher).  The -speakericon option (if set) reverses the ones returned 
        by getIconURL('artist') and getImageURL('artist').  Also try harder to 
        find these icon images in the sermon pages.
        - StreamFinder::Vimeo - Fix missing "description" (getTitle('desc')) 
        and icon (video-preview) image due to site changes.  Also do better job 
        selecting this image, which usually comes in multiple sizes:  
        make getIconURL() return the smallest and getImageURL() the largest.
2.11    2023/03/03
        - Added StreamFinder::Podchaser to fetch podcasts.
        - Fix failure to fetch channel art on 
        first episode if given a podcast page; misc. cleanups.
2.12    2023/03/06
        - StreamFinder::Podchaser - When given a podcast page, refactor to 
        1) avoid a 2nd fetch of the latest episode page if we are able to get 
        all the needed metadata from the podcast page code; and 2) Fix failure 
        to fetch with just a podcast-ID or podcast-ID/episode-ID (without a 
        full URL).  Also misc. tweaks to try to get all metadata, properly 
        handle sorting the playlist (getURL('playlist')), and doc. tweaks.
2.13    2023/04/08
        - StreamFinder::Apple - Fix sometimes failure to fetch proper title.
2.14    2023/04/20
        - StreamFinder::PodcastAddict - Fix failure to fetch podcasts and
        episodes due to slight changes in their site.
2.15    2023/07/28
        - Added StreamFinder::LinkTV to fetch video shows.
2.16    2023/08/24
        - Added StreamFinder::Zeno for radio stations & podcasts.
        - StreamFinder::Brighteon - Add "formats_by_channel" option keyed by 
        albumartist.  This needed b/c some video formats (ie. .m3u8) don't 
        seem to work on some sites but are the only ones that work on others.
        - StreamFinder::Podchaser - Add "-notrim" option to trim trailing 
        garbage off stream URLs.
        - StreamFinder::Podchaser - Fix sometimes fetching wrong stream on 
        episode pages, and fix podcast pages not returning any episodes due to 
        recent changes in their site (more stupid javascripting).
        - StreamFinder::PodcastAddict - Mark DEPRECIATED since they recently 
        javascripted & crapped up their podcast pages making it now impossible 
        to fetch a playlist or first episode from them (correct episode pages 
        still seem to work for now, if you get them from your browser first).
2.17    2023/08/25
        - StreamFinder::Rumble - Further Cleanup artist and description fields 
        of excess leading & trailing spacing likely introduced by possible 
        tweaks in their site.  This issue was causing Fauxdacious mediaplayer 
        to fail to properly load display metadata for Rumble streams.
2.18    2023/09/04
        - StreamFinder::Anystream - Add -maxstreams option to limit number of 
        streams that can be returned - some sites contain tons.  Also 
        add ability to fetch additional metadata (ie. iconurl, description, 
        channel (artist), etc. from sites that contain them in standard HTML 
        <meta> tags.  One site that does is:
        - StreamFinder::Goodpods - REMOVED due to them javascripting up their 
        site to where it's no longer possible to scrape any streams.
2.19    2023/09/12
        - StreamFinder::Youtube - 1) Fix failure to fetch artist, icon, etc. 
        sometimes on embedded IFRAME urls (slight site changes) and first 
        episode from some channels.  2) Add -youtube-site argument to specify 
        a different default youtube site (default  
        3) Add ability to parse youtube channel URLs containing an at-sign, 
        - StreamFinder::Subsplash - Restore as EXPERIMENTAL, as this site 
        seems to now work again, at least for audio streams on some sites.
        - StreamFinder::Anystream - doc. touchups.
2.20    2023/10/24
        - Update default user-agent to:
        "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0"
        - StreamFinder::Apple - Handle "embedded" Apple podcasts 
        (  Also fix embedded stream URLs that contain "\u00##" characters and were 
        being trimmed when encountered.
        - StreamFinder::Rumble - Convert one of their hosting sites that no 
        longer works ( to the standard one that 
        still does (
        - StreamFinder::Youtube - Try harder to get the first (most recent) 
        video from channel pages (by skipping any "banner" video before it).
2.21    2023/11/16
        - StreamFinder::Anystream - Handle "escaped" URLs embedded in some 
        sites, ie. crap like:  https:\/\/stupidsite\u002fstream.mp3 and ones 
        that start with "//", ie. "//stupidsite/stream.mp3".
        - StreamFinder::Bitchute - Fix failure to fetch artist and albumartist 
        (channel name and page URL) due to a slight tweak to their site.
        - StreamFinder::Brighteon - Hide extraneous debug message (when not 
        running in debug mode).
        - StreamFinder::Rumble - Warn if had to convert new "bad" site:
        "" to "".
        Also:  try harder to fetch artist, albumartist, and icon (from "embed" 
        URLs), since some channels allow public access to the "embed" version 
        of their URLs but NOT always to their main (html) ones (go figure).
2.22    2024/01/20
        - Remove StreamFinder::LinkTV (site no longer hosts videos onsite).
        - Mark StreamFinder::SoundCloud DEPRECIATED (now requires cookies and 
        trackers to be enabled onsite to browse, but song URLs still work here.
        - Minor module doc touchups (to note recent depreciations, etc.)
        - StreamFinder::Rumble - Add -bitrate (max kbps) option.
2.23    2024/01/28
        - StreamFinder::Rumble - Stop converting Rumble's "new" streaming URLs 
        to their "old" format (initiated by v2.20) since the new URLS now seem 
        to work properly and Rumble seems to be bandwidth-throttling the old 
        ones, I assume to force usage of the new ones and close the old hosts.
        - StreamFinder::Bitchute - Silence cpl. stray debug messages when 
        debug mode is not on.
        - Update copyright year to 2024.
2.30    2024/04/25
        - StreamFinder::Castbox - Refactor to scrape episode data from the 
        podcast page as now Castbox episode pages are no longer scrapable 
        (now dynamically generated by javascript), but for now, all required 
        episode data is embedded in the corresponding podcast page (for now).
        Also now append "lyrics" (transcript) to the "description" field (for 
        Fauxdacious, etc.) for Castbox pages that provide this in a "lyrics" 
        (.lrc) link!
        - StreamFinder::Google - REMOVED since Google has officially closed 
        down it's podcast service.
        - StreamFinder::Podchaser - Fix failure to fetch episode data for the 
        first episode (when a podcast page given) and failure to fetch all due 
        to minor changes in their site.
        - StreamFinder::Spreaker - Refactor since Spreaker has now javascripted 
        and cookied up their pages, but we're still able to scrape it's podcast 
        pages for podcast metadata, required playlist data and 1st episode ID, 
        and they provide a separate api site for fetching all episode data when 
        given the episode-ID.
        - StreamFinder::Subsplash - Fix extraction of the artist & album fields 
        due to minor changes in their site.  Also add missing "Url" (first 
        stream) field (not required for fetching streams).
2.31    2024/04/27
        - StreamFinder::Castbox - Document new feature (in v2.30) that appends 
        any transcript (.lrc) link into the "description" field.
        - StreamFinder::Podchaser - Fix failure to fetch the proper iconurl for 
        the first episode and the podcast's album fields when given a podcast 
        - docs - Remove StreamFinder::Google (removed in v2.30) from supported 
        podcast list.
2.32    2024/05/18
        - Welcome videos by adding 
        StreamFinder::EpochTV.  Site was previously supported by youtube-dl, 
        but was often missing some metadata & often returned wrong HLS stream 
        quality, particularly for users with limited bandwidth.
2.33    2024/06/03
        - StreamFinder::Brighteon - Redo to handle their redesigned site (which 
        now requires JavaScript in order to view pages).  Channel pages are no 
        longer scrapable (so no more video playlist or fetching latest video), 
        but individual video pages still contain all the same data embedded 
        in Json format (at least for now).
        - StreamFinder::EpochTV - Few minor tweaks to try harder to fetch 
        streams, the artist, the artist's channel icon, and the year.
2.34    2024/07/03
        - StreamFinder::Bitchute - Refactor due to Bitchute's major recent 
        redo of their site (more Javascript & crap), but they have a second 
        site URL ( which still works well, so we autoconvert 
        non-working URLs from to
2.40    2024/07/26
        - StreamFinder::Youtube - Refactor to add "-format-fallback" option to 
        allow specifying a second "-f <format-string>" option for use if no 
        streams match the "-format" option.  Defaults have been changed from 
        "mp4" to "best", and the "-format-fallback" defaults to "bestaudio".  
        These changes are required after 07/24 due to Youtube making (nearly) 
        all of their public streams either audio-only or video-only, which 
        are pretty much useless for streaming via your own media-player without 
        actually downloading the video (and remuxing to combine the audio and 
        video streams) to a file first!  Note:  The ability to do this is only 
        possible due to the Herculean efforts of the yt-dlp developers and 
        users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to the latest version 
        2024.07.25 to avoid likely just getting audio streams, as the internet 
        continues to get more crapped up and locked down every day. :(
2.41    2024/09/14
        - StreamFinder::AnyStream - Intercept & handle all .m3u8 (HLS) urls 
        in order to apply any "hls_bitrate" option limits and select the 
        highest one from the stream list if the HLS url is a master list.  
        This seems to be necessary as ffmpeg, used in Fauxdacious for HLS 
        streams always seems to select the highest bitrate stream and provided 
        no known argument for limiting stream selection by bitrate.
        - StreamFinder::SermonAudio - Massive redo due to them completely 
        overhauling their site, which now only offers a single video stream 
        in HLS format in place of multiple bitrate choices, obsoleting the 
        "high" and "low" "quality" options.  The choices are now:  "audio" or 
        "any".  Users should now use the "hls_bitrate" option to limit 
        bandwidth for slower internet connections.
        Also add new "nowebp" option to download icon images in their native 
        formats instead of webp (needed by Fauxdacious GTK versions and 
        perhaps others).
        - StreamFinder::Youtube - Change default external Youtube-fetching 
        program from "youtube-dl" to "yt-dlp", as the former may no longer 
        properly handle many youtube streams.
2.42    2024/09/22
        - StreamFinder::SermonAudio - Fix excess padding sometimes left on both 
        sides of Genre text.  Also update copyright year & docs.
        - StreamFinder::Podchaser - Fix failure to fetch failure to fetch 
        episode icon, and sometimes other fields for the latest episode when 
        given a podcast url due to slight changes in their site.
        - StreamFinder - Fix some issues with handling HLS (.m3u8) streams, 
        particularly in StreamFinder::Anystream, but effecting all modules, 
        mostly for better handling by Fauxdacious Mediaplayer and the ffmpeg 
        library when using internet connections with limited bandwidth.  The 
        biggest change is we no longer attempt to parse out HLS master 
        playlists when neither hls_bandwidth (limit) or -noplaylists parameters 
        are set.  Instead, just return the master playlist stream as-is.  This 
        allows for better control over selected streams within bandwidth limits 
        within Fauxdacious itself.  To function the old way, simply specify 
        an hls_bandwidth limit (in the config file) or "-noplaylists => 1".
2.43    - Update copyright year to include 2025
        - StreamFinder::SermonAudio - Fix failure to return description 
        field and sometimes incorrect icon and image URLs due to slight changes 
        to their site.  Also try harder to find description.