Revision history for String-Interpolate-Named
1.03 2022-01-13
Fix substituting empty in %{key|} even if key has a value.
Fix some edge cases with nesting and escaping.
1.02 2022-01-12
Fix problem with de-escaping \{ \} \| outside of substitution
(issue #6);
Silently provide empty values when an array selector exceeds
the number of elements in the array.
1.01 2021-05-18
Allow variable lookup using a callback.
Allow selection of activator. Caveat emptor.
Allow setting of the pattern to match key names. Caveat emptor.
Fix problem with true/false parts being false.
1.00 2019-10-31
Fix backslash escapes. \| hides the | from being seen as a |,
and leaves a | (not \|) upon completion. Same for \{ and \} .
Add object oriented API.
Limit max number of iterations.
Rework documentation.
0.05 2018-10-25
%{} should work only within a %{ ... } construct.
0.04 2018-10-24
Require perl 5.10.1 or later due to Unicode problems.
Use $" as default for separator.
0.03 2018-10-23
Require perl 5.10 or later for named captures.
Fix license setting in Makefile.
0.02 2018-10-23 09:56
Renamed to String::Interpolate::Named to avoid conflicts with
(non-existing!) Text::Substitute.
Move development to GitHub.
0.01 2018-10-20 22:35
Text::Substitute released on an unsuspecting world.